TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@luckyaggie I was wondering about PSA for Biomedical Science. So you found out that it is not an option for that major?

is PSA the same as Gateway?

Hold up you guys
 why are y’all saying you aren’t eligible for any alternative admissions? And no, PSA is not Gateway. For Gateway, the student starts in the summer before freshman year and has certain classes they have to take and make a certain GPA (not sure what it is) but most make it. Then you start freshman year in fall with everyone else as a full admit. Great program and in my opinion better than Team.

Let me be really really clear on something to help alleviate some stress
 IF Team or PSA doesn’t offer a specific major direct to TAMU after 30 hours and a 3.0 THAT DOES NOT MEAN a thing! There are so many and I mean so many that get PSA and don’t take the offer. They just come straight to College Station and go to Blinn for a semester or 2 and apply as a transfer. To me, that’s the best way to go instead of being pigeon holed by a certain GPA and major. TEAM is great but if that’s not what’s offered, you can still experience the Aggie life in college station your freshman year.

And depending on major, transfer admission is a bit easier than freshman admission. You only go up against people in your major, not every transfer student. Does that make sense?

@AggieMomhelp Yes, thank you! But I still am not sure I understand what PSA actually is compared to TEAM or Gateway.

Basically PSA is what the majority of students get if they don’t get acceptance/Team/Gateway. You choose a satellite A&M school like Tarleton, A&M Corpus, A&M commerce, etc. You go there for 24 gradeable credits. If at that time you have a 3.0 (I believe is the number), you are guaranteed transfer to A&M College Station and into your major (not all majors have this and not all system schools offer the major you want).

Here’s the ino on tamu site:

  1. enroll at Texas A&M University, College Station after PSA, you must:

  2. Complete specific course requirements from one of the approved TAMU program-specific degree plans.
    3)Complete at least 24 transferable hours in residence at a single system school during the fall and spring semesters.
    4)Maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPR at the system school AND maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPR on all transferable coursework (including dual credit taken during high school). NOTE: Engineering applicants must maintain a 3.25 system school GPA and a 3.0 overall to guarantee admission.

    5)Submit the transfer application along with all required documents by the March 1 deadline.
    It is recommended that developmental course(s) and/or prerequisite course(s) be taken prior to fall enrollment. Example: Some institutions require College Algebra before enrolling in higher level math courses.

@luckyaggie If you didn’t get full admissions to College Station you could be offered full admissions to the McAllen campus

@BB1724 “When you say the the auto and academic admits can find out daily is that with the exception of the engineering major as they then go in holistic review?”

Yes, auto/academic admits, after then first admission decisions are released (this year the release date was Sept 21), as the applications are received (which can take a few days to a few weeks), they are admitted to the university and placed into a major.

Engineering applicants are the only one’s that undergo review for admissions to the major, so auto/academic admits applying to engineering, will also be accepted to the university with days to a few weeks of their application being received (once again, after the initial release of decisions) then they will wait for their major decision after it undergoes holistic review.

“Or once they are put into holistic review will they wait until all applications in and roll out those admissions in waves? Thanks for any input as I realize things may change year to year regarding admissions.”

Are you asking about review applicants for every major other than engineering or are you asking about engineering applicants, whom all undergo holistic review for the major, even top 10% and academic admits?

I will assume you are asking about review applicants from every major other than engineering.
They do not wait until all applications are in for review applicants before making admission decisions. The deadline is December 1 and in past admission cycles, we have seen review applicants receive admission decisions in Mid November or Dec 2. The majority will receive a decision after January.
While A&M doesn’t post it like UT does, they use metrics to measure a projected GPA a student will earn at A&M based on their class rank and test scores (called the academic index at UT). This is 50% of the decision. Then, they take everything else (Personal Achievement Index at UT) and this is the other 50%. This is then graphed, for lack of a better word and where an applicant falls determines their admission decision. Admissions can review an application file several times before a decision is made as they compare the applications to one another as the process moves forward and they finish with the auto/academic admits, and move on to those who will recieve full admissions to College Station, Mc Allen, Blinn Team, Gateway, PSA etc.

They offer twice as many offers of admission than actually enroll. Some posts back, I posted the number of applications they received for fall 2017, the number of admissions offers, and the number actually enrolled. Offers of admission that are declined do not open up spaces for others.

In the past, review admit admission decisions has always come in “waves”. They do not come on a regular, individual basis as top 10% and Academic Admits do.

Well, guys. I just got thrown for a loop here. As I mentioned that higher test scores were needed for LSU and A&M, but figured that the biggest “reach” was Baylor. Just received admission to Baylor. I’m confused now, so I’m praying he has enough clarity for us all!

@AggieDreamin I posted links to every program Post #649 page 43. Have you read those? They explain everything
PSA is here http://admissions.tamu.edu/PSA/

The transcript analysts will review the transcript for her exact rank so it could end up top 25% despite what the school says.

@laxmom2000 A&M is muuuuuch more competitive for admission than Baylor. Baylor gives a lot of aid to offset the cost. A&M won’t.

Thank you @Thelma2! I just have to say thank you prior Aggies for information for all of us with questions! Y’all are awesome!

I agree with @BB1724 - even with all of us pulling our hairs out waiting, both @Thelma2 and @aggiemomhelp are always patient with their very elaborate answers. Might not be the exact answer we are looking for (like exactly when we will know!! or if our review admit is good enough!!! LOL) - but they are VERY resourceful!! Very grateful for you ladies! :slight_smile:

On another note, it’d be nice if TAMU had an exact decision day every month so we are not obsessively checking the portal. @-)

OMG yes
 I wish TAMU would have those set dates. It would alleviate so much stress! I can’t remember how many times I checked the portal. Even though I knew it wouldn’t update during the day lol
 couldn’t help myself!

@JaceyK and @BB1724 We were once where you are and were helped through the process. I was so overwhelmed with my first child applying and it was nothing like A&M!
Trust me, we feel this right along with you and Celebrate with your admissions and commiserate, encourage and pick up chins when decisions are less than desired. And help calm the nerves during the long labor wait. There is always talk about a 12 step program for portal checking :))

@Thelma2 if they institute the 12 step program I am in! This may be the death of me! We are heading down to A&M this weekend to sign a lease on an apartment for next fall (they will let you out if not accepted). We are all in and hoping to at least get TEAM so she can rush.

@thelma2 12 step program would be amazing. Wine therapy perhaps?

@aggiedreamin I live here so if you have any questions about places let me know. Happy to help.

My daughter (transfer hopeful) and son (freshman hopeful) got tickets to the Ole Miss game on 11/10 - they are super excited about that! My daughter has been keeping herself busy all the time so she doesn’t have time to think about this - she is absolutely going crazy - she is absolutely itching to make moving plans. My son, otoh, will not talk about it and seems to have resigned himself to not getting in. :frowning: I am trying to keep him positive, but on the other hand, I think he’s just preparing himself for the worst. He hates failure. Sigh.

@JaceyK We are going down to look at The Standard
new building right off campus. Looks amazing. And they will let you sign contingent upon acceptance.

@AggieMomhelp Wine is always a welcome addition! Dinner location recommendation would be nice. We have done Dixie Chicken and my daughter was not a fan.

@AggieMomhelp I am up for Wine therapy!

I like Chimy’s on University @AggieMomhelp may gag on that- I am sure us visitors eat all kinds of places the locals won’t touch-LOL
It’s laid back, edible food and good rita’s. Of course, Christopher’s is my fav and I appreciate the crumbs scraped from my table but it’s not an every visit occurrence.
I wasn’t blown over by Chicken Oil Co either.
I do like to try places that I can’t find at home (DFW).

@AggieDreamin so northgate has 2 new restaurants. One is the spot. Great hamburgers but kinda slow the other is from New Orleans. It’s called dat dog (hot dog place). Century square is a wonderful place to go and walk around. Several restaurants there including hopdoddy, blaze pizza, piadas, Zoe’s kitchen and a crepe place. Also restaurant/bar called the cantina which is part of Calvary Court hotel. More fancy 
At the George has Poppys(not a fan but check the menu) and Porters (steakhouse. It’s hit or miss but great bar and martinis). If y’all go to century square you will definitely find something you all like. Cute cute place and whenever I go there I think “wow if I was just visiting I would want to move here”. Hope that helps!!!

@AggieMomhelp and @Thelma2 Thank you for the suggestions! The apartment is near Northgate ( I think) and we are staying at Calvary Court so may gravitate there. We discovered Calvary Court last trip and fell in love with it.