TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Is there any word about when science holistic review majors could hear back if they applied in early July?

Probably late February-mid March.

I would suggest going back through last year’s thread.


This will give you a “real time” look at how the admits went down last year. The class of 2023 did not feel “waves” of holistic admits as strongly as years past. Frankly, because less people were granted holistic review admission than previous years and many more got PSA.

For class of 2022 you had 4,115 review admits gain full admission. That number in 2023 was 2,350 - that is a lot less. And the review alternative number was down too. 3,813 vs 3000.

None of us have any idea when holistic reviews or engineering reviews will hear back. As bluebayou stated, we can only go by the prior years’ timelines. I would suspect a small wave this month and then a bigger wave in January then February followed by PSA (probably hear team end of January or early Feb as well).

I don’t have time to go back to the auto admit person’s name
 but yes, you probably missed the boat on Mays if you put Eng. as first choice and are still in review. Mays is full based on what we have seen on here. HOWEVER, it could be possible they held spots for students like yourself
 I just don’t know and I don’t think anyone would be forthcoming with that answer!

This time of year is hard on the wait, but really just assume you’ll hear at the end of January. If you hear sooner, then great!!! Enjoy the holidays then start stressing again January 2nd!

Do they send out full admission letters first followed by PSA, team, gateway? Or is it all in a random order?

The pattern normally follows rolling assured (top 10%) and academic, the two automatic categories. Then a handful of review candidates in late Oct, early November. Usually just slightly off the automatic admit criteria.

The auto admits continue as they apply.

A few more review full admits may happen in December. Things kick back up after the new year. Engineering decisions begin to come down. Additional review candidate full admits (But last year there were so few - it did not feel like a wave) late Jan-through Februrary. Blinn TEAM, the rest of the engineering academies and Gateway in February and early March.

There were several waves of PSA in March last year. But no additional full admits that we could see. Many people were questioning why the PSAs came out in waves, when no other admit decisions were being reported in that timeframe.

What do you think my chances on admission are? My SAT isn’t the best, I got an 1100. But I’m top 10.8%, I barely missed. I have lots of volunteer hours, submitted a good essay, and also two letters of recommendation, a resume, and proof of certificates I’ve received. Do you think I have a good chance?

So are the early action engineering review admissions supposed to come out this week?

@vtec1101 thats the theory at least

But I am starting to wonder if any of the schools are going to release when they promised. We are now waiting for three schools to release. UT is the only one that I expected to be a little longer.
THe other two were suppose to have by yesterday for sure.

I was also hoping for the early action engineering decisions to be posted this week but when I called they said that it may take until the middle of January

I totally get that they have to read and review all of these applications, but it is so frustrating and rather unfair actually that they have let a trickle of Engineering decisions out and not all of the ones that were promised by mid December. IF they are going to move at this pace and not truly do the “rolling” release that they claim they will do, then they shouldnt let any of them out until they are all ready. This is just my opinion.

I was specifically told by my local admissions counselor that the engineering early action decisions would be out by mid December. That was 1 week ago. I really hope they come out this month.

One reason they have to wait so long to give out admission acceptances is because top 10% and 25% academic admit students can wait until the very last day of the application deadline to submit an application, which in my personal opinion is wrong. It shows a lack of interest or severe procrastination on the student’s part. I think that if Texas wants to continue with a top 10% auto admit, shorten the deadline for those folks in order to shorten the window of rolling admissions to the review candidates. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Give a 90 day window to apply if you want to be considered for top 10%. Period! Just my thoughts.

I completely agree! One of my son’s friends is auto admit and is interested in UT and TAMU but wasn’t going to apply until the December 1 deadline. His mother talked to me about this back in early November like it was “no biggie”. Granted he is her 4th child, but still

It is a HUGE “biggie” to the rest of us and it’s exactly that sort of applicant that is going to drag it all out for the rest of us.
I was also PROMISED we would hear by mid December :frowning:

@Boogie818 Your son’s stats look good at least for tamu. I think he’ll get in. Good luck.


I applied to TAMU on Sep 25, 2019 and got admitted to the university on Oct 1, 2019. Since then I have been in review for the college of engineering and have been desperately awaiting a decision.

My AIS page has said “You have been admitted to Engineering Review (UNEN). Your NSC Registration will be delayed until the College of Engineering review has been completed. Files completed by October 15th will be reviewed and a decision notification posted here by mid-December” this whole time.

I started to freak out since mid december has passed and now the red notification atop the AIS page says “Engineering applicants who met the October 15th early action deadline and do not have a decision have been deferred to the final decision round in January.”

Does this pretty much mean Im screwed? As in: does this mean I will get rejected and be offered BLINN. I am assuiming that if I have not received an engineering acceptance by now, its simply not going to happen.

For reference:

Rank: top 19% (top Quarter) at highly competitive high school.

GPA: 4.3/5.0 weighted

SAT: 1430

Member of NHS, FBLA, Student Council, Science National Honor Society, Dance.

Secretary of Science National Honor Society

Taken AP Chem, AP Calc AB, Ap bio, AP Physics, AP CS1, AP CS principles, Pre Calc Honors, PreAp Algebra 2, PreAP Geometry, and many other non stem AP classes.

If anyone would like any more info about my resume, please let me know.

Also Please let me know if I even have a chance at COE anymore now that I have been deferred to January.

I got nervous after reading this post and went to look at my son’s AIS page and it still has the red line at the top that says that SRAR must be turned in by 5:00pm LAST night. His hasn’t changed to say anything else.

My son (OOS) applied in early October, was accepted in mid-October and was admitted into engineering by late October. Straight-A student, 31 ACT. Desperately wants to find a way to make it work financially. We told him we’d pay what it would cost to send him in-state, which in NC the total cost of attendance is around $24K. OOS in Texas the cost is about twice that. So, we continue to find sources of money. Do NOT want to take out loans.

TAMU doesn’t need to give money to those stats, there are in state eng applicants with those stats not yet admitted to eng. TAMU admits OOS kids knowing they are not going to attend. Admission to OOS kids with financial need is a soft rejection.

@glitzypink i think your stats are good enough for full admit. We saw so many get cstat last year in January for engineering. So stress if you want to but I think you have a great chance at cstat main campus. And just FYI
 blinn engineering academy is a gold mine. If you get that offer
 jump on it. You will save some money plus you’ll have full access to tamu campus and resources. It’s a no brainer. No one has a clue or cares who is who. Everyone goes through the same process for ETAM. No preference given to anyone. I hope you get the news you want, but if you don’t, all will be okay. I pinky swear.

@Sybylla I am curious
Why do you continue to be so cold and almost rude to people on this board?
JoeinNC was simply stating that they were seeking sources, not that they were expecting to get scholarship money. OOS acceptances are NOT a soft rejection. They don’t know who will be willing to find loans and who won’t. And for that matter neither do you!
I have avoided commenting to you many times, but it has really gotten to where it bothers me more than I can just let go. People on here are seeking advice, insight and even encouragement. No one needs to commented to in the tone of rudeness that you continue to use.

If I am out of line, then I apologize.

“Soft rejection?” That’s funny. Super-condescending, but funny, so I’ll take it as funny. I’d think a “soft rejection” would be an outright rejection or even an acceptance to the school but then a rejection to engineering. He’s a candidate for a service academy and has a nomination already, but not an appointment yet. Beyond academics, he has a very good resume. If he doesn’t get an appointment, he’ll be going to A&M. Period. Just because we don’t want to go the loan route doesn’t mean we won’t. To be clear, we’re not in “financial need,” we’d just rather not take out loans. A&M is a very good school, that’s why he applied there. Looking forward to meeting all you nice people.