TAMU Merit based Scholarships for Out of State Freshman

So, did the portal change for anyone of you?

@beaudreau that was a hilarious comment – maybe we’ll meet again at retirementHomeConfidential.com! @rvhappynow - walked a mile in your shoes with no OOS tuition for my oldest, however I have THE most thankful,happy child with awesome job connections - worth every penny - gig em and good luck as a new Aggie mom!

@Beaudreau I’m literally laughing out loud. I just might be in there with you, but I hope there is a psych thread, because by then, I may need it! @AGmomx2 I was reading what you wrote earlier out loud to my son, and it just instilled even more excitement in him. Just knowing it’s all worth it. He hasn’t stopped smiling since the final decision was made, and he doesn’t take this lightly. He’s humble and ready to work. I am ready to start making plans and excited to sport my maroon. :smiley: It’s been a lonnnnggggg few months since I found CC, but the information and friendships made have been invaluable. I will say this though. If my daughter wants to go OOS in 6 years, we just might be making a move! The OOS rollercoaster is more than I bargained for. :slight_smile:

@Beaudreau LOL! My husband is a nursing home administrator so we know that subject too! Ha!

Our 14 year old got herself a scholarship to study in France this summer and is already telling me if she doesn’t get a full ride, she’s not going to college. Hahaha. We shall see…

Just wanted to update the situation for DD as well. We got no information, so emailed the scholarship person and wsa told all decisions have been made and DD was not awarded an Engineering Department scholarship.

With this information (finally, I cannot believe we had to wait until April 20), we can finally make our college choice. DD will be attending the University of Alabama on their Presidential scholarship.

She had great scholarship offers from Alabama, Oklahoma and Colorado State. She was accepted into the Chemical Engineering major at UT-Austin and Engineering honors at TAMU, but no merit scholarships from either Texas school. She was rejected from Stanford. Did not apply anywhere else.

For future OOS tuition waiver hopefuls, I suggest setting your expectations as follows:

  1. Become a National Merit Scholar which guarantees you a waiver
  2. Join the Corp of Cadets to increase your chances of a scholarship from the Corp

Anything less than the above is a complete lottery.

Roll Tide!

@ColoFatherOf3 Congratulations on Alabama! Several of my son’s friends attend there (boys and girls) and they absolutely love it. I am sorry it did not work out for your D at A&M. Wishing your D all the best!

@ColoFatherOf3 @rvhappynow @carachel2
Thks for the scoop. I loved reading all of the info you dedicated parents have posted here on these threads. I’m sorry it took so Long for y’all to get your answers for fin aid. It’s amazing to me that soo many ranked Engineer schools on the East Coast (we live)have ticket prices of $65 k per year minus maybe $20 k merit money and that’s OK? Not to me. At least our engineering kids should be able to find a job after college. I will be happy
( sort of ) to pay $35k per yr. My S is a junior from out of state with top-notch credentials but not NMF. Will apply in July but won’t get our hopes up. Best of luck to all you Aggies !! I’m happy for y’all

@Jonsmom14 If he is an automatic admit and has good EC’s and essays, I think he should be highly likely to get accepted for Engineering even though not NMF. Scholarships are another story, but don’t give up hope! I also recommend watching some YouTube videos (I did not know these existed until WAY after we applied), called UT Admissions Guy. They are short and informative. Had we seen those prior to submitting his application, we might have changed up some things, but it is what it is, and I’d rather share the knowledge now with those who still have a chance to learn new things before applying. The one thing I can say with all certainty is that it is never ever too early to get started on all of this.

@rvhappynow ok Thks. Will continue to research. This is my new extra curricular ACTIVITY. LOL

Welcome to the club!!! Lol!!