TAMU New Student Conference and Registering for Classes

@sdwims everything is online http://www.blinn.edu/engineering-academy-bryan/enrollment-guidelines.html

Do classes fill up as each NSC passes? I will be attending the NSC in mid june and I’m wondering if a lot of classes will be filled up by then

@sdwims Mid June is fairly early so I wouldn’t worry that much. Some classes may be full, particularly core classes that upper classmen may be registering for as well. For most of the freshman level courses they add seats and sections all summer long, so it is a crap shoot as to whether your particular class/section will have seats or not. Best plan is to have several options for each class and hope for the best. My son’s advisor called the registration period Hunger Games, if that gives you an idea of what its like.

@pbleigh thanks for the info!

@pbleigh we were told classes were opened up all summer. My daughter only had 3 NSC options-one in June (she’s at camp), one in July (she took it) and Aug 20. Ideally we would’ve loved a NSC right after graduation, but that wasn’t an option.
Not going to lie, I dread the NSC-it is just total overload & overwhelming?!

@sdwims My son went June 30/July1 and he was registered in 30 seconds with all classes. For incoming freshman, they open more sections for each nsc.
Read the first page of this thread and the post I wrote about learning to make a schedule. You will need that.

@52AG82 As @Thelma2 has said if you are prepared you can be in and out of it. Have a bunch of CRN numbers ready for the courses you want to take in order of preference and be ready to type them in quickly. My son was also in and out in about 15 minutes. You may not get everything exactly the way you like it but at the end of the summer when open registration begins again, there will be plenty of movement in almost every class, so if you are good about constantly checking you can get what you want typically. Also some advisors will make changes for you over the summer if you have a good reason, like for example AP scores just came in. I remember my son telling me there was a girl in tears at his NSC because she came in with one schedule and it didn’t work right away, and by the time she researched a new one, those sections were gone and so on.

@52AG82 Oh one other thing I learned after my son’s NSC was over, from his advisor, was that the advisors can make a schedule at any time during the day of the NSC. So if you can manage to get an appointment early in the day with the advisor then you can get a schedule before Hunger Games starts. Also, the only problems that my son had getting classes was for honors sections because there are ever so few seats in those, and upper classmen can take them too before NSC’s start. While they do add seats to all typical freshman classes as each NSC starts that does not include honors seats necessarily. Some times they add them, most times they do not. You can log on to Howdy and check past semesters of the courses you want to take and see how many total seats were there and that will give you an idea of how many they will add over the summer.

Thanks @pbleigh . Newbie question-where does one get CRNs (and what is that?) and how does an incoming freshman even know what they need or want to take? Do they find this out at NSC, just before registering?
My daughter is Business Honors. Think she’ll have a problem getting classes?

@52AG82 You can log on to Howdy, under the My Record tab, and then Search Class Schedule. Choose the appropriate semester and then you can view all the courses and applicable sections. For each section there will be a unique number called a CRN number that you can save to quickly add a course. When it comes time to schedule, you can choose Add Drop Course worksheet and type in all the CRNs. That is the quickest way to get a class. If you are very worried about a popular section with few seats, you can just add the one CRN when the scheduling window opens and once you get that add the rest of the classes, as an example.

@pbleigh thank you! Hopefully I can track down all this info, when we go to NSC in July!

@52AG82 Oh I forgot to mention, your student can find the courses that are recommended for them to take by checking the degree plan for their major on the TAMU website. You can also have a conversation with advisors before NSC starts if you need to do something different then the recommended plan. For example, in my son’s case we went and made an appointment before NSC started to figure out what he should try to schedule freshman year because he had so many AP credits and could not take engineering specific courses yet as a freshman.

@pbleigh I’ved scheduled my boys NSCs right after graduation and Memorial Day- we have back to back NSCs. Is there time for people to meet one on one with advisors during those days or are they packed with presentations and such? Each of my boys has a mix of AP & dual, as I am sure many other students will. As the date gets closer, would it be appropriate to email in advance with each boy’s situation to see what they suggest?

@Thelma2 & @pbleigh is there ever a Wait List for NSC? My daughter was only able to chose from 3 dates; only 1 works with our schedule, and it’s mid July. She’s Business Honors, so maybe those are the only 3 offered, I don’t know? Just curious how someone would go about switching times?

@52AG82 I don’t think there are wait lists for NSC. Look at the schedule with your daughter. She will need to chose an NSC date where her major of Business is offered. Every major is not included on every NSC date. The Honors part shouldn’t make a difference. That is just the classes she will register for on registration day but the NSC is the same for all Business majors.

A mid July NSC isn’t bad. Our was June 30/July 1. It is what worked best for us. They open sections for each NSC. That said, there have been cases where they don’t, or they open a hour into registration.

The what helps is learning how to look up classes and when you click on the CNR number, it will expand the description. This can be important because some sections may only be for certain majors. It will say so in the descriptions. Anyhoo, once she practices how to look up the specific classes she needs, she will want to practice building a schedule. For registration,after the group advising session, you break for lunch and that is where you will pick the classes you want to register for. When the say “Go”, there will be 5-6 open fields where she will put in the CNR numbers for the classes she wants to register for. She will put in the CNR numbers for the specific classes she wants and hit enter. If one is full already but then, she will need to have a back up CNR number or quickly know how to find a replacement class to fit in that hole.Those who wait until going in to the computer lab to learn how to read classes are the ones who typically miss out on classes because they were filled by the other students at NSC.
With there only being 1000 freshmen in Mays, there may only be 3 NSC dates for that major. 325 kids each +/-

@52AG82 the nsc your daughter can attend is already full?

@Thelma2 I can’t thank you enough for this info! She has taken care of everything-application, housing deposit, FAFSA, Scholarships, NSC, etc. I don’t even know what the Howdy portal looks like. This information will be super helpful! She will definitely be one that wants to be prepared!

We have a day coming up in April, where she spends the day on campus with Business Honors. Hopefully they can guide her some, and part of the BH program is getting to register 2 weeks early (I assume that’s once you’re already a current student)-everyone says that perk is golden! Registering for the first time during NSC will stress her out, so thank you for the advance tips!

@52AG82 there are 9 nsc with business FYI.

@agtrio23 Advising at NSC is group advising. Maybe 50 people to a group. That is how it was at my son’s. You don’t meet with them 1 on 1. The whole NSC is seminars with 1000 closest friends of many majors and then you break out into specific majors later. Then there is stuff for parents and different stuff for kids. Second day is group advising, where they go over a powerpoint like the one attached. This was for engineering but you get the idea and much is the same except for the specific to major stuff like specific Math or Physics based on Math Placement etc. . Then there is Q&A. Go to lunch then go to computer lab to register.


@AggieMomhelp when she got on to sign up for NSC, she only had 3 date options. Perhaps the others were full? Or maybe they only have 3 for Business Honors? It’s ok-the July date works, but ideally one around graduation would’ve been preferred. She’s very tech savvy, so knew what she was doing when she logged on.