TAMU New Student Conference and Registering for Classes

@AggieMomhelp @pbleigh @Thelma2 , and anyone else, any suggestions for a UCC elective for first-year engineering freshman?

I have a short list on my computer that are UCC and ICD, so you. An kill 2 birds with one stone. It may be morning before I get to it but Iā€™ll try today.
Itā€™s good to have several in mind, as popular ones can fill fast.
Here is the link to all UCC categories and the classes that satisfy them with the ICD requirement

@camandcam Does your son already have the required 6 American History credits and 6 Government credits and 3 english credits? If so, he just needs 3 credits from creative arts and 3 credits from social behavior. (I am looking at a Fall 2018 engineering schedule so hope it hasnā€™t changed for fall 2019). I hear Thars 201 World Theatre is very popular because it is fun and easy and satisfies ICD and UCC. Good luck this week! Let us know how it goes! Weā€™ll be going next week :slight_smile:

@CamandCam So I figured Iā€™d better look at the freshman Fall 2019 engineering schedule and saw a new term! 3 credits of ICD and 3 credits of Cultural Discourse required. See note 3 in the engineering schedule below.


Whoops, I forgot to attached the link earlier https://core.tamu.edu/

@Thelma2 , thanks for the link, thanks in advance for the short list. @Eggscapgoats , no he doesnā€™t have his history or gov credits yet. He has his English. Iā€™m looking for a less difficult elective to go along with math, chem and engr so he can focus mostly on them (ETAM has me totally freaked!). Yes, Iā€™ve heard that about THAR 201 and also in addition i have heard about THAR 281. Anyone have opinions on that one? I havenā€™t heard the ā€œcultural discourseā€ term before? Thatā€™s a new one on me? It wasnā€™t listed on the 2018-2019 Engineering course flowchart, which only stated 6 hrs ICD. Confused! The list at core.tamu.edu doesnā€™t mention cultural discourse?

@camandcam My son took HLTH 236 which counts for ICD and is a web class that has most of its content on quizlet so easy to study for the tests. He also took ENDS 101 honors, which was not only an easy A but a course he loved taking if your son can take honors classes.

@pbleigh , thanks again. Iā€™ll check out HLTH 236. Was it also an easy A? I hadnā€™t considered a web class. Howā€™d he like the web class? any drawbacks? If in Engineering Honors, can a student take other non-engineering honors classes?

@Thelma2 , just to confirm, the table at core.tamu.edu is for 2018, correct? Is there a 2019 list? It seems like a lot of stuff is still for 2018.

My son will take the health 236 in fall. Suppose to be easy A.

I thought all tamu students need 6 credits for icd. Just know you donā€™t take an icd classā€¦ you take a creative arts or something like it that satisfies another core credit. Meaning icd isnā€™t just for the sake of icd.

Alsoā€¦ online classes are an individual preference. Some can handle it some like face to face. My son prefers face to face but having one online a semester isnā€™t bad.

@AggieMomhelp , thanks. Are you familiar with ā€œcultural discourseā€ as mentioned by @Eggscapgoats in post #83 and at that link? Some cultural discourse (CD) classes are on the core.tamu.edu table, but some arenā€™t. Some CD courses also satisfy the ICD requirement. Note 3 at the post #83 link states ā€œThe required 3 hours of international and cultural diversity and 3 hours of cultural discourse may be met by courses satisfying the creative arts, social and behavioral sciences and American history requirements if they are also on the approved list of international and cultural diversity courses and cultural discourse courses.ā€

@CamandCam It looks like some classes that were classified as ICD in fall 2018 are now classified as CD. For example, AFST 201 is on my 2018 printout as ICD, but now it is not on the ICD list, but is on the CD list. The CD list is relatively short. From what I can tell, there are 5 classes in social sciences UCC that are CD (inst222, soci207 and 217, spmt304 and 319). In creative arts UCC, there are about 12 classes that are CD. None of the american history UCC classes are CD. Havenā€™t run across any classes that satisfy both ICD and CD in the creative arts, history, and social UCC required courses. Someone please correct me if Iā€™ve got this wrong.



The CD requirements is brand spankin new for Fall 2019 entering freshman. Lucky ducks. Basically, itā€™s the old ICD requirement with a twist. But just like ICD, it satisfies another requirement, it doesnā€™t add onto the 120 credits (or more for engineering) to graduate. The links @Eggscapgoats listed will get ya there.

@Thelma2 , I thought, for example, ANTH 210, satisfied CD and ICD since it was listed as an ICD course on the 2018 core.tamu.edu page, but I guess that 2018 table is not valid anymore. My bad. Thanks for the reply! So, I guess all they did was split the previous ICD courses into two new lists: ICD and CD? Someone has too much time on their hands. ?

@AggieMomhelp , thanks. I didnā€™t see your reply before I sent mine. And sorry @Eggscapgoats , I sent my reply to @Thelma2 instead by accident. Sorry, my coffee hasnā€™t kicked in yet. ?

@CamandCam Yes HLTH 236 was an easy class once he realized all of the study material was on quizlet. My son hates taking web classes in general and thought the questions for these weekly quizzes were oddly worded but was getting a mix of Aā€™s and high Bā€™s. He found the quizlets to study and then got all Aā€™s from then forward. Any honors student can take any honors class. My son is engineering honors as well. The ENDS 101 honors class with Hill is known to be a very easy A and is highly sought after, make sure he registers for that one first if he wants it.

Itā€™s nice of them to jumble things up for 2019 freshman. Just what I needed was a last minute curveball to ratchet up the nerves. Makes me wonder what other surprises are in store? ?

Lol @camandcam Get used to it. Just FYI if there are any ICD and CD classes that are the same, it wonā€™t fulfill both requirements. Iā€™m assuming that none do, but just in case people are confused on this. ICD or CD cam fulfill other requirements as well (Creative Arts or Social behavior etc) but you must have 6 credits (3 and 3) for ICD/CD.

@pbleigh , @AggieMomhelp , thanks for the replies! Weā€™ll see how this goes. Weā€™re going to pre-conference check-in today at 3:30 at Kyle Field.