TCU Chances?!?!

<p>I really want to get into TCU. Do i have any chance at all?
Here is my resume...
Location: Norcal
-GPA: 3.2 weighted (bad sophomore year)
-Mom went to TCU as well as Aunt and Uncle and Grandfather donates $ to football team
-AP Language, AP Biology, Spanish AP
-scored a 3 or above on all 3 AP tests
-Active in youth group
-Monthly mission trips (Mexico and Honduras)
-A ton of Community Service (Community Cleanup, Food Drives, Homeless Shelters, Generation for Change)
Writing: 580
Math: 550
Critical Reading: 530</p>

<p>ACT: 26
English: 27
Math: 21
Reading: 29
Science: 27
Combined English/ Writing</p>

<p>Good reccomendations and high senior year GPA (hopefully! finals are next week)
so...what do y'all think?</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance at tcu your sat scores are in the range of tcu maybe at the lower end for your Cr. But your act score is also about in the middle of the range and a 3.2 is a good gpa. I’m sure legacy should help at least a little and im not sure how being out of state effects admissions. Goodluck with tcu and could u please chance me back.</p>

<p>yea sure! umm…how…?</p>