<p>I really want to get into TCU. Do i have any chance at all?
Here is my resume...
Location: Norcal
-GPA: 3.2 weighted (bad sophomore year)
-Mom went to TCU as well as Aunt and Uncle and Grandfather donates $ to football team
-AP Language, AP Biology, Spanish AP
-scored a 3 or above on all 3 AP tests
-Active in youth group
-Monthly mission trips (Mexico and Honduras)
-A ton of Community Service (Community Cleanup, Food Drives, Homeless Shelters, Generation for Change)
Writing: 580
Math: 550
Critical Reading: 530</p>
<p>ACT: 26
English: 27
Math: 21
Reading: 29
Science: 27
Combined English/ Writing</p>
<p>Good reccomendations and high senior year GPA (hopefully! finals are next week)
so...what do y'all think?</p>