TCU - current thoughts?

<p>I am a graduate of TCU but haven't been back in a long while. I still keep up with things the best I can, though. (We didn't have Frog Camp back then...)</p>

<p>I have a daughter who is now looking into her college options and is considering TCU. I can give her my perspective, but honestly - it's old or very focused knowledge of disciplines (science) that she's not going into.</p>

<p>SO -- any current students out there (or very recent grads) who can honestly give pros --I like to just see the positives to compare schools; it generally gives a better picture of comparisons. (Negatives very rarely help decisions.) </p>

<p>Specifics would be appreciated. </p>

<p>Also - dorms... do the freshman girls usually stay in Colby still or is that something old?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!!!</p>

<p>can’t believe you never rec’d a reply to this ~ my D absolutely LOVES TCU (in here 2nd year now.) What did your girl choose?</p>

<p>Would like to hear more on your perspective, how was your experience back then.</p>

<p>Is it good for Software Engineering?</p>

<p>Shuzkelly, I’d like more information about TCU from you if you’d be willing to share. Thanks!</p>

<p>I understand that TCU Geology Department is fairly good.</p>

<p>Just wanted to chime in. My son just graduated from TCU in May with an engineering degree. He had a fantastic time at TCU. We are from Massachusetts. We were a little nervous of him attending school so far away, with a predominantly Texan population. He loved his experience in Texas so much, that he is pursuing his Masters in engineering at another Texas school. He made his lifelong friends there. The engineering program is small and mighty. Due to the size, the attention that the students get is amazing. Also, I think every student passes the Professional Engineers exam. Quite impressive! When we toured the engineering facilities during graduation week, we were so impressed at the personal relationship the faculty and students shared. Also, we bumped into several of his professors at the Poinsetta Bowl in San Diego. They came right up and struck up a conversation with us. The several sporting events we went to with our son, his professors always came up and greeted our son as well as us. Again, the personal attention was striking. The senior engineering students take on a real life industry research project. I recently watched the DVD of the final student presentation to industry. I was amazed at the professionalism of the students. They were so polished and articulate. Hardly seemed like kids only a few years out of high school. As parents, we believed that TCU was worth every penny. Also, our son was able to work part time in an engineering job his last 3 years. Hope this helps as you make your college selections. GO FROGS!</p>

<p>My son is currently a junior at TCU, majoring in music and writing. He has enjoyed the school very much. He is an RA this year which covers his room and board.
The school campus is lovely and has been (and continues to be) updated. My son is not in a fraternity and sometimes complains that it’s difficult to plan activities outside of the fraternities and sororities. Greek life is strong, but I don’t think it’s all consuming.</p>

<p>TCU is an amazing school, and has a strong but mighty engineering program that is very demanding. However, it only offers a general engineering degree with a mechanical or electrical emphasis. In other words, it only has ME and EE majors. It also has a small computer science program which offers computer science majors and classes that might be helpful for software engineering, but if you’re looking for a specific major entitled "Software Engineering, you may want to look somewhere like Texas-Austin.</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about the Honors program?</p>

<p>the Honors Program is AMAZING (as is the school!) </p>

<p>some highlights ~

  1. this year Frog Camp for Honors will be in Rome, Italy
  2. the completely new Honors dorm (Milton) will be finished and incredible
  3. they have a Honors-only study center
  4. also Honors kids register for classes before everybody, even seniors</p>

<p>The school itself is VERY fun and VERY committed to education. Professors know who you are and they care. Almost everyone is very happy there & you can really tell when you tour the school. (A friend of mine who does college counseling in Southern California toured 2 summers ago and said she’s never seen such great/happy kids…and she tours different colleges EVERY year!)</p>

<p>I love the personal touches in the educational process and I esp love ALL the choices of majors. Excellent school for someone who is not sure which direction their schooling will take.</p>

<p>Great weather…just enough ice/hail/cold for my southern california daughter to feel that she’s away from home, but not enough to be miserable.</p>

<p>THE REC CENTER ABSOLUTELY ROCKS. Climbing wall, all sorts of classes & beautiful new, state-of-the-art facilicities!!!</p>

<p>Any specific questions, email me. <a href=""></a></p>

<p>These posts are making me want to mail in my housing deposit tomorrow. Lol.</p>

<p>I just gotta wait for a scholarship and invite to the honors program (34 ACT and 3.8 GPA)</p>