TCU Honors and Trinity Universtiy

<p>Posted this in the Trinity University section also. Not much response. Would like some insights of others who have compared the two.</p>

Anyone have any insight when comparing these two? I just started looking into the TCU Honors program.
My gut feeling, and tell me if I'm wrong, is that the academics across the board at Trinity are probably more challenging, but maybe not TCU Honors. Facilities wise, I think both schools are pretty state of the art. TCU has quite a large endowment, as does Trinity, so there are a lot of advantages available at both schools. Seems to me, just from Youtube and their website, TCU takes care of their Honors kids quite well. No idea what it would take to get into the TCU Honors program. My guess is many Trinity kids probably have the academic background to get in, but either didn't chose that direction or weren't aware of it. Insights?</p>

<p>Well i don’t know anything about trinity… but i can give you some insight on honors for tcu because im going there in the fall. They say that the requirements for the honors is top 8% or so of the incoming freshman class that are invited, but they do look at everybodys to see who they want to invite.( I plan on doing honors myself and students at tcu say that i should get in no problem) Also they do offer a lot to there honors students from smaller core classes to classes designed specifically for honors only…and some of them seem really interesting and neat! As honors you get to live in brand new housing this next year and its with all other honor students ( but you don’t have to if you don want to). I have also met some of the honors professors and they seem really great and down to earth… and they want to make sure you can succeed and have the best experience possible. Also, for frog camp honors students have the chance to go to london or rome for a week in the summer with other honor students. I don’t know if this helps or you want to know more… but that basically the condensed version for tcu</p>