TCU vs Tulane

<p>I'm having major problems deciding between the two. Just looking for some insight. Whatever you can offer. Please help!</p>

<p>My daughter had the same decision to make. She loved both schools-even got to enroll at Tulane in March. Got into honors college at both. Both had great bio and premed programs. She chose TCU. Why? For one, even though she got great scholarships from both, TCU’s was better and is overall less expensive. Looking at med school expenses, it was the better deal. Also closer to home (KS) so less travel expenses. But mostly, it was just the feel she got whenever she visited TCU- she just knew it was right. Both schools are great and she would have been happy and gotten a great education at either one. Hope the factors that helped her decide help you, too. Good luck!</p>

<p>My son had the same decision as well. I will ditto KSmom1. My son loved the feeling immediately when he walked on TCU’s campus. The spirit, the down-to-earth students, the bond – all was quite prevalent and felt stronger their than any other campus he toured. He also wanted a school with a strong sports program so TCU won in that category. Additionally he loves theater and TCU has an amazing performing arts program. Both schools are far for us, but DFW has lots of nonstop flights so seems easier. And yes, TCU is substantially less than Tulane. Tulane gave my son a better scholarship but TCU still is overall less expensive. </p>

<p>Both are great beautiful schools with small classes, hands-on attention and nice, smart kids. Good luck and hope this helped!</p>

<p>We have been advised not to apply to Tulane because of the extremely high crime rate and they also a have huge drinking issue there. So I would say TCU over Tulane for sure. Safety is important!</p>

<p>I don’t mean to quibble, but KSMom1 stated that TCU “has a great Bio program”. When I was looking at graduates by Major, I think I recall seeing TCU had about 40 grads each year in Bio (as compared to Baylor, for example, which has about 200). In other words Bio is a very small program at TCU, as are most sciences actually. I also noted that TCU’s Science building is about 40 years old, and the Science building at Baylor is new. That left me with the impression that Bio was not a strong major at TCU… was I wrong?</p>

<p>newJersey17: regarding Tulane, it’s too bad you were advised that way. I checked into crime statistics, etc. for Tulane and they are not unusual… about average for a town in which a larger college is located. Certainly less than TCU, but Ft. Worth is unusually safe as far as cities go. As to drinking, it is like any college near a decent bar scene – some kids are into bar hopping, stumbling home at 3am, and a majority are not.</p>

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<p>DunninLA- The prehealth program is up and coming at TCU. The opportunities for students to shadow and be mentored by doctors at area hospitals and clinics is outstanding. There are also research opportunities. My daughter was accepted to Baylor as well and their science building is amazing and is their premed program. That said, the age of a building does not necessarily mean an inferior program. And, a small program can be a big plus to students. The placement rate to Med school is over 80% which is pretty good. My D did a lot of research of the bio/premed programs at Tulane, Baylor, and TCU. She was impressed with all of them. The opportunities to work with physicians and the placement rate was a selling point for TCU. I also believe that med schools are looking for candidates that apply themselves, do well in their science classes, and score well on the MCATs. A good student can do this at almost any good university regardless of the so called strength of their science program. I would have been happy with any of the 3 schools, but TCU sold itself to her.</p>

<p>TCU is a good university and all, but there really isn’t much of a comparison between Tulane and TCU. From acceptance rate to average scores, TU is much better. If Texas is your thing, why not apply to Baylor or SMU instead? </p>

<p>If money is your biggest priority, then obviously TCU is the better choice for you, but this isn’t a reflection of either of the two schools; it’s a reflection on their tuition. And everyone in Texas overrates it’s schools, so if you’re looking to stay in Texas, TCU would be a good choice. But if money isn’t an issue and you’re looking to settle down elsewhere, TCU isn’t the best choice in this situation…</p>

<p>smchls: In regards to you “If Texas is your thing, why not apply to Baylor or SMU instead”? comment i think it is a bit misleading. SMU is a good school, it is only great in business where it throws all it’s money. It has a phenominal business program but it doesn’t stand out in too much else. Also SMU is very different type of college environment. In talking to some SMU grads who were friends of my brother they said they had an amazing time, but for girls its a hard environment to thrive in because they feel pressured to dress really nice all the time. They told me it would be a good school if I was looking for my MRS.</p>

<p>For Baylor yes its a great school, but it only ranks about 2 or 3 above TCU in the most used national ratings, not much of a difference. In different departments Baylor and TCU shine beating eachother. Honestly they’re isn’t much difference between the two schools.</p>

<p>Although Baylor and TCU look similar on the surface our experience this season led us to Baylor hands down over TCU and Tulane. We started out favoring TCU but we were very disappointed with the admissions dept they were not at all responsive, whereas Baylor gave acceptances the first week of Nov., Tulane by Feb or March and TCU not until late April. TCU admin told us they had thousands of similar applicants with 35 ACT scores, NMF and vals. and they were just overwhelmed. I was wondering if they turn down all of those 35 ACT’s since there stats don’t support that response. Baylor treated our D with incredible kindness and prompt attention. TCU admin. seemed to be overwhelmed and in chaos. They actually wasted money fedexing both the acceptance and scholarship offer. H and Y gave better attention then TCU to our D. I would definitely rec a serious look at Baylor if you are thinking of TCU. Baylor’s scholarship offer was far superior to for our NMF D.</p>



<p>This would be like choosing a doctor based only on bedside manner. I’d want to make a decision based on different criteria than that. The admin/admissions dept won’t be educating my child, they’re just cogs in the wheel. Therefore, that aspect doesn’t mean anything to me. </p>

<p>Just seems like the wrong stuff to focus on. Yes, Baylor did provide a more impressive visit, was more organized, did it in smaller groups, and left a great impression. We chose TCU because we though it was a better overall fit for our daughter.</p>

<p>Our experience was just the opposite of midwest mom.TCU admissions was more attentive than Baylor, although Baylor sent more things and invited us to more Honors events. Money from TCU was double what Baylor offered. Both are great schools and you can’t pick on the admissions department. Rather, the student needs to feel comfortable, explore the department they are interested in and choose where they think they could be more successful. We told our D not to choose based on the scholarship, but by where she would feel most comfortable and where she thought she would have the most opportunities. Those factors led her to TCU over Tulane and Baylor. Don’t think she would have gone wrong picking any of the three. The student just knows when a school is a fit.</p>

<p>^When did she have all paperwork in to TCU? I know for a fact if she got it in by November 1, then response was by January. I really have to say I didn’t have that experience. Even with my school losing my transcript, everything was still in place by the 2nd week of December with EVERYTHING.</p>

<p>My son chose TCU over Tulane. Money was not an issue , since the Fin. aid was great and similar at both. S liked both schools but felt that TCU was a better fit for him. Personally, I think Tulane is better known and has a better academic reputation, but their Business Schools (S’s major) are fairly comparable. I also wanted him to apply to Baylor, but he didn’t because he was adamant about being in a city, and Waco just did not appeal to him at all. Oh! and Admissions departments were great and responsive at both schools.</p>

<p>My son chose TCU over SMU, Tulane and University of Miami. All gave him great scholarships and are wonderful schools. In the end, TCU was the right fit for him. And if you haven’t see the article in Fort Worth Magazine yet, Google it and read it: “Why TCU is the Hottest School in Texas?” It was 2nd in selectivity this year only to Rice! For you incoming Frogs, you made the right choice!</p>