Teacher Recommendation

<p>Does anyone have the address of where we're supposed to mail the teacher recommendation letters for NYU??

<p>I, sadly, have the same quesiton.
is it:
665 Broadway, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10012-2339

<p>Teacher recommendations should be addressed to:</p>

<p>New York University
Undergraduate Admissions Processing Center
665 Broadway, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10012-2339</p>

<p>I remember last year we had the same question, as it was difficult to confirm the address from the Common App site. However, the NYU Admission’s site provides their own PDF forms at [NYU</a> > Undergraduate Admissions > Apply Now](<a href=“How to Apply”>How to Apply), including a teacher recommendation form. The address above was taken directly from the NYU teacher recommendation form.</p>