Technical Question: CSS Profile Uploading Documents

Hi–I thought this might be useful to others as well as to me. The CSS people have told me that I am not finished with uploading documents. They’ve listed 3 schools (out of 6) for which I’m “not done.” I can’t tell , but it looks to me like they haven’t registered that I waived uploading a 1099 form. Do I need to waive this thing for both parents on the profile?–One school we added after completing the profile; I’m not sure if this is a tech glitch.

I don’t remember - but we had to upload docs through their IDOC program.

Are you referencing IDOC?

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They sent us a message saying the docs were now uploaded. So for anyone reading—they might send you alarmist messages for 2 days, but you can wait it out!:smile:


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