<p>Does anyone else here like programming?</p>
<p>I code in HTML/CSS (not programming, but whatever), PHP/MySQL, and JavaScript. I've been programming them for... 6, 4, and 2 years respectively, but haven't yet released any original sites. I'm working on two, though.
(When I was a kid, I used to code HTML/CSS "profiles" for my OCs in an MMO I used to play, and still design now on a different, private MMO. But nothing with PHP released yet.)</p>
<p>How about you? What programming languages do you know, how and when did you learn them, and what interests you about programming?
You can post your sites or projects here if you want.</p>
<p>I know HTML/CSS (which, yes, isn’t technically programming), Logo, Python, C++ and Java. I hate Java. It has the stupidest syntax ever.</p>
<p>I learned HTML/CSS back in middle school, in a computers class. My teacher thought I should go into graphic design or something. Then I learned C++, also back in middle school. Next, in freshman year I learned Java. I definitely like C++ better. Then I learned Python and Logo in the same year. These I use for bioinformatics.</p>
<p>Right now, I’m really into the whole computer programming for real-world applications thing so I’m exploring bioinformatics and computational neuroscience.</p>
<p>I’ve been doing HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP/SQL for almost seven years. Started when I was 9.</p>
<p>I do freelance websites for clients now.</p>
<p>I’m also working on a blog engine in PHP. I say SQL above instead of MySQL because I’ve moved from MySQL over to PDO, which is an object-oriented SQL framework.</p>
<p>I want to move towards computer programming eventually.</p>
<p>I believe I’ve mastered HTML5, CSS3, Javasciprt, jQuery (JS framework), but intermediate in PHP.</p>
<p>Personally, I think Java is useless, mostly because it is growing outdated due to new versions of current languages or new developments in programming for interactive experiences (such as HTML5 for the web in conjunction with CSS3/Javascript). People disagree with me on this though. :P</p>
<p>And I totally would link you guys to my sites, but we actually aren’t allowed to link to personal sites in this forum. :(</p>
<p>quidditchcat - Nice username, and that’s awesome.
Bioinformatics looks interesting, especially how it analyzes genes. Do you take classes in it, or is it a free-time interest?</p>
<p>Purmou - That’s impressive. I learned PHP when I was 12 – nowhere near when you learned them. Did you learn all those languages at once? o:</p>
<p>HTML5 and CSS3 are huge developments IMO, and can really transform a website. It’s great that the web’s moving toward interactivity, and greater user inclusion.</p>
<p>Maybe you could PM me the link to your sites? I’d be interested in seeing them. (I’d PM you my website/portfolio link, but I don’t have 15 posts yet, and not knowing a whole lot about US colleges (except for what Americans already know) I’m not sure how long that’ll take me. xD)</p>
<p>And it seems as though Java isn’t that popular.
Maybe I’ll look into C++ though. Are there any good websites/books for it in particular?</p>