<p>Everyone has a story. What's yours? What are the most important or interesting things that've happened in your life, that've shaped who you are as a person? If you could write a two-paragraph biography of yourself, how would it look?</p>
<p>i was born in China. kidnapped to Mongolia at age 3. traded to terrorists in Afghanistan at age 7. sold to Russian peasants at age 9. released to Poland at age 12. Lived in foster home in Germany getting educated until age 17. Went to college in England at age 18. Graduated and became a criminal mastermind at age 21. Hid in Bolivia until age 24. Caught in Nicaragua at age 26. Prisoned in San Francisco until age 31. Released and won the lottery at age 32. Married Angelina Jolie in Hollywood at age 34. Had 10 kids and lived in a huge mansion, educated kids who all went to HYPS. they all became billionaires. inherited Bill Gates' money for being a prodigy. Scientists found out I was the smartest human ever. At age 49, elected to become President of the United States. Served 3 terms, helped the world become a better place. Meanwhile, educating kids and sending them to Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford. Retired at age 62, became a lawyer. Cured cancer at age 66. Moved to small rural town in Southern California at age 69. Wrote 10 books on smartness and stuff..by age 75. Appeared in Guiness World Records. Won a billion dollars. Payed Islamic Fundamentalists, became their leader secretly. Took over the US with atomic bombs. Took over the entire world by age 90, conquering little by little. Conquered Europe, then Asia, then Africa, then Latin America, then islands, then the entire world. Created a dictatorship led be me at age 93. Solved global warming at age 98. Took over the moon at age 102, colonized it. Another Big Bang occurred, everyone died, except for me. Lived happily ever after on Earth, until I died at age 121.</p>