Tell Us Your Life Goals! This year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years from now?

<p>What are your life goals?</p>

<p>This year:
-Get through precalc and all my other classes- 3.65-3.8 gpa this year
-gain the interests of at least one recruiter in softball
-get at least 100 community service hours
-national honors society
-gain good connections through my extracurriculars
-stay mentally/emotionally healthy
-700+s on all SAT I/II sections
-5s on AP Bio, APUSH, AP Gov (self study)</p>

<p>Next year
-get through taking four ap classes at the same time with straight As as well as taking classes at Harvard
-take a gap semester (in preferably fiji- travel the world before I have to go back to this test heavy educational system- do some life learning)
-get accepted to barnard, nyu, gwu, mcgill in montreal, ubc in canada
-decide between going to barnard or mcgill
-go to mcgill and be a french speaking mf, starting a whole new life as a foreigner trying to make it
-go to barnard and just have an incredible life. Frequently attending the afropunk fest and getting involved in that culture</p>

<p>5yrs from now: senior in college
-hopefully graduating close to debt free
-applying to columbia university, harvard university, university of oxford, rice university, or emory university for graduate school
-or if I went to gwu- working for the govt- applying to the national intelligence university</p>

<p>10 years from now
-accepted to grad school, working towards my phd in public health, bioethics, or education
-nice apartment/loft or cute home </p>

<p>15 years from now
-mother, father, family, and ancestors are proud</p>

<p>Intense and detailed. </p>

<p>As someone much older, I suggest you build in some flexibility. One thing or everything can change in a moments notice.</p>

<p>Flexibility, adaptability and endurance are some key traits for long term survival.</p>

<p>Enjoy the journey not just the destination.</p>

<p>Live in the present, enjoy it immensely and don’t let opportunities and diversions pass you by. You never know which moment may be your last moment. Savor what you have as much as what you hope to have.</p>

<p>Just a few guidelines for the ambitious. And yes, I’m a workaholic learning some of this stuff later than I wish.</p>

<p>to get into an ivy league from the uk</p>

<p>1 year read 20+ books, save enough to cater for my siz nxt 2 years in Uni(africa),…get better job to substitute current jobs.#Amen.</p>

<p>Current goals: write/publish a novel by the age of 21, earn a cumulative 3.9ish gpa, 2100-2300 sat score, take elective community college classes, earn summa cum laude or maxima cum laude on national latin exam, narrow down college list, get approximately 700-800 on 3 or 4 sat subject tests</p>

<p>Future goals: get accepted into a good college (Stanford is the dream but obviously not the end all of colleges. What I do at college matters more than where I go), major in something that matters and helps the world but also allows me to support myself and help my family, masters degree in psychology or maybe medical degree that leads to a specialization in psychiatry, vacation home in Italy by the time I’m 40, own my own home by the age of 27, kids and husband around that time, nice two/three story home with pool, nice backyard for kids, fireplace, home movie theatre, two car household (maybe a car for my two kids that are roughly two years apart to share during high school years), Sunday brunch with my friends </p>