Telluride Association Summer Program (TASP) 2011

<p>Hi all Would mentioning the SAT score on the application form be OK - have no PSAT scores anyway…</p>

<p>The PSAT/TASP postcard has absolutely no bearing on your chances for admission - it is simply a convenient way for Telluride Association to reach out to potentially qualified applicants. </p>

<p>Don’t stress over standardized testing, or other conventional metrics of educational “success.” TASP eschews all of that in order to gauge your thought processes, demonstrated in writing!</p>

<p>do i have to read a lot? D: my list is TINY.
and is it okay if the list has a few books that are for younger kids? :D</p>

<p>and what do you mean get creative with the books?</p>

<p>^That’s fine. Just be completely honest.
It’s hard to get creative with a book list; I think he was talking about the critical analysis.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me, if humor was an acceptable tool to use in the essays?</p>

<p>Have any home- schoolers ever attended TASP?</p>

<p>Humor is an acceptable tool in the essays, assuming you are actually funny. Also, home-schoolers have attended TASP; in fact, there was a home-schooled student in my TASP last year. Since Telluride de-emphasizes “formal” grades and high-school red tape in the TASPlication process, you should be at no disadvantage.</p>

<p>And finally, before I depart, a note to all applicants: </p>

<p>This time last year, I may have been like some of you. In fact, I was probably like most of you. </p>

<p>I found out about TASP through CC, and it sounded like a great time. I loved the humanities; I loved critical thinking. As I researched and learned more about the program, I thought TASP would provide the sort of golden ticket needed to get me into the college of my dreams. When I was accepted, I was elated; TASP reminded me that aside from all the messy foibles of high school, I truly was an intelligent, competent, interesting person deep-down. I was ready to go to TASP; worse, I was ready to go to college.</p>

<p>TASP was honestly the best experience of my life, and it fundamentally changed my life for the better. The people I met, the ideas I explored, the places I went: these and more defined the core of my TASP experience. Please apply to TASP–no matter how stupid, insignificant, or boring you think you are. I promise that you’re actually none of those things.</p>

<p>Now, sitting on a deferral letter from the Big Y, I value that TASP experience even more. The lessons I learned from TASP are lessons I could have learned anywhere, but I’m humbled that I had the opportunity to learn them in Ithaca. Yes, I would have liked to be a Yalie, but I’m forever proud to be a TASPer–and that pride isn’t contingent on the name that will eventually grace my college sweatshirt.</p>

<p>What I’m trying to say is: college admissions are a crapshoot, and TASP is a crapshoot, too. You win some and you lose some, but in the end, you are the same person. I never in a million years thought I would have an opportunity like TASP; I never in a million years thought I could really get into a school like Yale. I was wrong about one thing; I was right about the other. Either way, I’m glad I applied to both. </p>

<p>TASP is more than a line on my resume. I pray that whatever you do this summer–TASP or no TASP–it means as much to you as TASP does to me.</p>

<p>No, I did TASP 2010, and there was a girl who attends a boarding school.</p>

<p>“TASP reminded me that aside from all the messy foibles of high school, I truly was an intelligent, competent, interesting person deep-down.”
That’s exactly what I need.<br>
Thank you epigram, and good luck.</p>

<p>^Thanks, but I want to reiterate that while the TASP experience itself is very singular, the fact remains that there are a lot of great options out there, and I think all of them–if approached in the right way–can be fulfilling. The Telluride values–self-governance, inquiry, labor, et. all–are great guidelines for life in general, and you can channel them just as much in Ithaca as you can at MITES or at Clark or at CTY or rafting down the Amazon or whatever you do that summer. If you have the intellectual drive to want to apply to TASP, then it’s up to you to embrace that drive wherever it may take you–and even if the TASP readers don’t pick you.</p>

<p>Epigram, </p>

<p>I don’t know a lot about TASP, but I have to agree with your point. Older D (now at Penn) grew amazingly at THINK and with her two summer law internships in high school. My boarding school D had incredible growth at her Stanford summer internship and at SMaRT. Fulfilling summer activities can be found if you look hard enough.</p>

<p>Well, I didn’t know what TASP was until today, but having just gotten the invitation and done my research, I really want to get in.</p>

<p>What programs are you all interested in? I know that I would definitely want to go for the Visions of America one (UMich #2, IIRC), but I guess I’d be content with the others too.</p>

<p>Anyone notice how similar these summer camps are to college applications? TASP might even be harder to get in given the admission rate.</p>

<p>So I just joined CC to post about TASP… I feel like an idiot considering that I will never in a million years get in, and yet I’m letting myself get really excited about it. I guess writing the essays will help my brain not turn to mush over winter break anyway haha >.<</p>

<p>I came across this program.I am new to this summer program.Went on website and searched about it.Seems like it is good.Can any tell me more about this program.
Thank in advance</p>

<p>It looks like TASP doesn’t require letters of rec - will someone confirm this?</p>

<p>According to everything I’ve seen TASP only needs letters of rec if you get an interview.</p>

<p>Cornell 2010 here. Qualitative is right. I would not worry about that until much, much later.</p>

<p>I was considering applying but now I’m not sure whether it’s worth it. 9% acceptance rate?! And I’d be doing all of this over the next two weeks when I could be studying for finals… bleh.</p>

<p>Is it okay to write the critical analysis essay on poetry?</p>