Temporary theme changes

I’m with @Lindagaf – too “thin/skinny”. I too prefer the old/regular look.

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I just think a slightly bolder font and it would be perfect. I wear glasses and don’t have an issue with it but bolder would be better.

I’ve cleared my cache more often than most people.

It’s fine really. This site is glitchy. I’m not the only one who is having issues.

I can’t compare the old font with the new…so honestly I don’t know whether I like the old better than this.

The non-bolded headings are harder to read…very faint.

Oh. I just figured out what might have happened. Way back when we first switched to this software we recommended some people switch to the the Light theme in order to solve some problems they were having. Example;

As it turns out, this temporary change is putting everyone on the Light theme as well. So some people might not have seen the change because nothing really changed. Maybe that’s what happened to you?

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@CC_Jon how do I find out if I’m on lite?

It should be under preferences > interface.

But I’ve been on lite theme this whole time and the theme still changed for me.

Yes…it’s lite. But if everyone has been shifted to lite…I guess my question would be…how can I find out if that’s where I was anyway.

There’s no easy way for users to know, but I checked the database and you were on the Light theme before yesterday’s change. When we change back, I think you will remain on the Light theme. If not, anyone can change using the Preferences > Interface screen as @momofboiler1 suggested.

If you could please make the font darker it would be easier to read. Seriously, I can barely read this and I wear nonprescription readers.

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I simply changed my preference to the default, and it’s fine.

I just switched from the light theme (I didn’t know I had that enabled) to “default” and it’s much better now!

I switched and got the goofy home page. So I’m switching back.

But now I see the difference…and this discourse choice (what I had to pick) is WAY better in terms of font and colors, etc.

The lite is…well…lite!

I changed that, and it is better. The point is that we shouldn’t have to try these “fixes” to read this site. Most users aren’t reading this thread. New people who come to CC (parents and adults wearing glasses perhaps) won’t know they have to do that.

This is very reminiscent of the last major platform switch, which had more than a few problems. @CC_Sorin


Where do I find preferences?

Top right corner (on mobile site). Click on your profile icon, then account (right-most menu item) and you’ll see preferences there.

The icon to hyperlink in messages is back! In the previous version, it was a blank space.

We went from “forums” to “community” to “categories” on the top header. The labels in the different sections still refer to communities.

I like the fact that “forum champion” isn’t a bright banner anymore. :+1:

Only if you’re in light mode

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Oh, you’re right.

I’m not sure why titles such as “moderator” or “senior member” or “community manager” are in grey but “forum champion” has the orange banner.