Temporary theme changes

We’ve made a few changes to our fonts, site colors, icons and a few other items related to how the site looks and feels. (Collectively, we refer to it as the site theme.) This is a temporary change while we prepare for our move to a new hosting service.

We hope to get the CC theme back in place soon.


I have to say this temporary theme looks very good

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I’m on an iPad and don’t see any changes…at all.

I think I like this “temporary” theme better than the original one.

I like this better too. I can read it a lot easier.

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Folks, can someone please tell me what is different?

The fonts and text size are the most visible changes. But there are others - such as a :heart: replacing the :+1: icon for “likes”.

To be clear, I don’t like all the new changes. But I think it has a cleaner look.

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Funny…I’ve had the :heart: For a long while.

Love the temporary theme change. It looks very sleek on the iPhone. Hearts instead of thumbs is a nice addition too.

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I don’t see any difference on my computer but on my phone, the font and shading have changed.

I like the new theme change better too.

I spoke too soon. The fonts and themes just shifted on my computer as well. I must have been running a cached file.

You must be running something old, as there were hearts for awhile quite a long time ago that were changed back to the thumbs up. Maybe there’s something in your history/ ‘cached’ file as momofboiler said above? (although I don’t know what ‘cached’ means, lol) ETA: Maybe that explains some of the issues that you seem to have been having. I only very infrequently have issues across iPad, computer, iphone.

I don’t generally care what sort of theme there is, but I can say this one is loading a lot faster on my computer which I definitely appreciate.

I prefer this new font.
Indifferent as to hearts or thumbs up.

This font is too faint and too thin. It’s hard to read for anyone who wears glasses. I don’t like it.


It’s hard to read for anyone without glasses.

Same here. I’m not understanding the love. I was thinking I had my own special theme. :grin:

The issue is with the font colors - they are too light. I agree that darker colors would make the text more readable.
But overall I like the cleaner, more modern look.

I thought I had somehow changed the font. Hate it! Font is harder to read: too faint and thin.


Yes. All day I have to keep zooming in and out to read anything. It’s like my screen is dark, except it’s not. Let’s hope this is indeed temporary.

Now, having used the site for quite a while today I’ve noticed other changes I don’t like - so I take back what I said previously. All things considered, I like the original theme better.