Tennessee coach search

<p>It looks like Tennessee finally found their new head coach. Butch Jones of Cincinnati will be named coach later on this afternoon. Coach Smart is very much in demand and there are still a few openings that may have an interest in him. Hope he stays!</p>

<p>Yes. I think UT was beginning to feel like the kid nobody wanted for their dodge-ball team. I wish them well - it will make things even more exciting in this house-divided.</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>My earlier post had a copy of the craigslist posting for the Tennessee head coach position. It was scrubbed. The link is: [Tennessee</a> Head Coaching Job Posted On Craig’s List | BustedCoverage – Sports Gossip | Drunk Athletes | Hot Cheerleaders | Football News](<a href=“http://bustedcoverage.com/2012/12/06/tennessee-head-coaching-job-posted-on-craigs-list/]Tennessee”>http://bustedcoverage.com/2012/12/06/tennessee-head-coaching-job-posted-on-craigs-list/)</p>

<p>As a lifelong Vol, I hope he’s the right guy. They deserve someone who can turn it around.</p>