Tennessee Tech vs. UT Knoxville for Electrical Engineering?

<p>I'm currently attending Tennessee State University and I am not satisfied with the quality of education and administration. Thus I'm looking for a new engineering college in Tennessee. I've narrowed my options down to Tennessee Tech and UT Knoxville and I am looking for some input. Mainly, what areas of electrical engineering are available for concentration.</p>

<p>I've taken a look at the transfer equivalences and if I go to UT Knoxville I'll effectively be a freshmen. However, if I go to Tennessee Tech I'll be 4 non-essential credit hours shy of a sophomore.</p>

<p>Another thing to note is that I'm nontraditional student come fall 09 I'll be 26 years old. So, housing is a must. Most likely an on campus apartment. I'd like to have some information if possible but this will not be my deciding factor.</p>

<p>You go to TSU so I am assuming that you are Black. Maybe? Even if you aren’t this will still apply.</p>

<p>I don’t go to UT but I go to UA (University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, the other SEC school/rival). I am in the National Society of Black Engineers and through this organization I have been able to network and meet students from across the country. While I can’t offer you any insight on UT’s program I do know some of their students from the NSBE chapter at UT. They seem to have a really great chapter and get a lot of support from the university (they get to work football games and receive money for their chapter, something UA would never let us do). With that being said, I am sure they have a strong chapter and any engineer student there would benefit from being a member. I know one guy just graduated this fall with an EE degree. I think he is going straight to an MBA program though.</p>

<p>At my school I have two friends that landed jobs with Exxon Mobil through being a member of NSBE and attending conferences and networking (they were not EE’s though, but nevertheless I’m sure it happens with all majors). Our chapter isn’t as strong as UTs appears to be, too. However, 26 is a lot older than the average NSBE collegiate member so you may feel out of place.</p>

<p>Sorry I can’t offer any information on their program. As far as housing, I know that at UA transfer students are last on the list for on campus housing priority. </p>

<p>I would definitely contact both schools departments. Email the deans, associate deans, department heads, etc. I would call them and leave a message if you can’t reach them. I know that each school will try to sell their school to you, but if they are like my department head they will tell you the unbiased truth about what type of school is best for you as far as your situation and career goals. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>