Terminal masters matters?

<p>Hi, I am a recent college graduate and due to certain circumstances have decided to try a new field. I am considering applying to terminal masters programs to fulfill prerequisites for doctoral programs (or at least fill gaps in my knowledge). </p>

<p>My question is: once I receive a PhD, will it matter where I went for my masters? For example, do hiring committees (in academia and industry) care? Or is the PhD the only degree that "counts"?</p>

<p>Oh, I am assuming that I will be studying for my masters and PhD at different institutions.</p>

<p>Um I am going into a Ph.D. program this fall…But i would say that no, it wont matter where you got your Master’s, and in the future people will care most about where you got your doctorate.
I could be wrong. But my feeling is that every time I talk to a professor or someone with a Ph.D., they always reference where they got their Ph.D…and don’t really mention their Masters.
I have a terminal Masters…I’m getting into a much more prestigious Ph.D. program and hoping that will be what counts in the long run !</p>