Terrible Sophomore Year 2.8 - UCSB Dreams - How Can I Make UCSB?


<p>I really want to go to UCSB.</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore at a great public school.</p>

<p>Sophomore Year First Semester Grades:</p>

<p>World History Honors: B
Spanish Year 2 Honors: B
Physics Honors*: B
Math Analysis (Pre Calculus): C
English Honors: B</p>

<li>= UC Weighted</li>

<p>My second semester will have about the same grades, maybe a little better. I will know in two weeks.</p>

<p>I took a rather rigorous course load and got a bout a 3.0 UC GPA. This is what I am planning to take next year.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry*
English Honors*
U.S. History
Graphic Design
Virtual Business</p>

<li>= UC Weighted</li>

<p>This schedule will be probably even easier than my sophomore year. I am taking easy classes to raise my GPA. I’m aiming for a UC GPA of 4.333. That would be all As. It can get me an upward trend and I am pretty sure I can do it. I am going to get tutors and actually try. I am smart, it’s just that I didn’t try that hard this year.</p>

<p>AP Chem is considered one of the easiest APs at our school.</p>

<p>English Honors is also pretty easy because most of the A and B kids in honors this year are going into AP, which is ridiculously hard.</p>

<p>I had terrible teachers in Spanish, and there is no way I could do a third year.</p>

<p>Our school only offers AP Calc, which is known to be ridiculously hard, and Stats, which is known to be easy. I’m thinking about maybe taking Calc later at Community College.</p>

<p>Everyone in Honors US History told me to either take AP (super hard), or normal (easy), because Honors is just as hard as AP.</p>

<p>With barely studying at the beginning of this year I got a 176 on the PSAT. I can probably raise that a couple hundred points if I study and prepare for it, which I will have time for with an easy schedule. I also want an easy schedule so I can play lots of tennis, I am pretty sure I will make varsity.</p>

<p>JV Tennis 2 Years - I am going to work hard and try to make varsity next year.</p>

<p>70 Hours Community Service
40 of those hours are in another country. so far… maybe more service hours</p>

<p>In State</p>

<p>I graduate in '10.</p>

<p>So, do I have hope for UCSB? Can I get some recommendations and advice for how I could change my schedule or anything that could increase my admissions chances. I still have a year to makeup my suckiness this year. What can I do to make UCSB? Will I at least make SC?</p>

<p>Responses would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>What can I change next year and do next year to make UCSB? Please help me!</p>

<p>You have a chance. If you can bump up your GPA and get a good SAT score and maybe get more EC's, your chances increase.</p>

<p>Funny though. Usually AP Chem is considered one of the hardest AP classes.</p>

<p>thanks, well at our school its the only ap course where you have to take summer school for, he also has weekend sessions which arn't to bad, and just a moderate amount of homework, and if you do that and study a little its easy to get a b or a.</p>

<p>any other input on how i can improve my chances?</p>