TERRIFIED Chemistry Major

<p>I have just been accepted to VT as a Chemistry Major. I want to go to medical school, so I have to take Biology and Chemistry my freshman year... but im SCARED! My high school isnt that great with science, there are no AP classes in science, but chemistry was my best science and my favorite. Should I change majors or not decide on medical school or both?</p>

<p>Your opinions are greatly appreciated :-)</p>

<p>You may have to work hard, and you'll find some of the other students have AP bio and/or chem, but don't let that deter you from working towards your goal. That was the case for my D in bio at W&M, and her best friend who is a freshman in engineering at tech and is taking chem, physics, math, and an engineering course. Remember you don't have to major in a science to go to Med School, as long as you fit in all the required courses and do well. Good luck!</p>

<p>If you like chemistry I'd stick with it. If worst comes to worst you can change later, and if it's a close enough related field not have to stay an extra year. The good thing about a Chem degree is you can get a job with that if you decide you don't want to go to med school.</p>