Tesla Model Y

Thank you!

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Also forgot to mention: 1k cap on the credit I believe.


Great Caesar’s Ghost!

Somewhere upthread, about a year and a half ago, I expressed a half-baked concern about a possible deterioration in Tesla quality and service because of a concern that its stock was so heavily shorted.

NEVER, in my wildest dreams when I wrote that post, would I have imagined the shorts are now having a field day for reasons that none of us could have foreseen!:


I hope Tesla finds its way again. But, I have my doubts. If we were making the same decision today, I wouldn’t get a Tesla.


Bill G. is having the last laugh. Although his MSFT holdings have taken a hit, too, but he seems to have diversified into other assets.

We are on the market for another vehicle but definitely not considering another Tesla as our second e-car.

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Boy, howdy, is he ever! E-loon’s insane insults at Mr. Gates (and many others) were totally unnecessary. Good grief, Elon, there are rumors you booted “Ye” off Twitter because he showed a very unflattering pic of you in Mykonos, rather than for the horrible things he said.

If anything, the younger Musk looks like Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver in a very bad late middle age, gone to pot (literally? figuratively? both?). The older version of Musk speaks for itself:

Leave It to Beaver' star Jerry Mathers mourns 'brother' Tony Dow: 'My  lifelong friend' | Fox News

Musk should work more and mouth off less, including refraining from 420, and focus on his shareholders and customers. Tesla is already under a criminal investigation for its claims about autonomous driving, and it simply doesn’t need any more trouble.

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