Tesla Model Y

Vegan or not, white leather imitation material can easily get color transfer (if not on the surface, then embedded in pores). So it looks like it is less porous than what is being sold as vegan leather, and possibly is some sort of Teflon-like stuff. If that is the case, get the white seats. :slight_smile:

(I have a problem with the term “vegan leather” - unless it is all made from corn etc. Most of these polymeric materials are made using monomers produced from petroleum products, which, as we know, were naturally derived from plant AND animal materials. :wink: Ok back to Teslas. )

It’s actually a great point. The reason we are even considering white seats is the heat issue, but enough folks here have said that’s not really an issue.

If there is a stain transfer possibility, that makes it more likely we will stick with black seats.

I have the black seats, but kinda wish I’d bought white. I thought they would get dirty but my friend’s white seats are still pristine two years later. The white is cool in both senses of the word.

I plan on getting the white seats when I upgrade to the Model X.

I live in SoCal. We have not yet had any extremely hot days (high 80s low 80s at the moment) and I can tell you, my Black on Black on Black has suddenly become too hot.

If I remember, I turn on the climate a few minutes before I get in; other other day, as I turned on on the climate before entering, the inside was registering at 135. It does take about five minutes to completely cool to a comfortable temp.

hmmmm…we’re in NorCal, near the Bay, so it’s usually cool. But if we have to go to other parts of the Bay Area, it can get blazing hot.

All I can say is hmmmm, as to what we’re going to do! :sweat:

Use your Tesla app to turn on the climate control 10 minutes before you get onto your car. Can be done from anywhere.

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one of teh downsides with fully automatic windows – not just Tesla, but most cars nowadays. With older cars, I used to be pretty good about leaving a quarter inch space in all four windows to keep the temps ~100. And if a rain shower came up, they weren’t open enough to do any water damage.

But with the auto-everything, it takes a fine touch.

If you live in an area which is generally cool, it’s not an issue for the few times you go elsewhere. Here, I am in and out of my car all day, and remembering to turn on the climate before I need to get in, is a pain, not to mention a drain on power.

Dang app. :slight_smile: 11 pm… we are settling in for the night, doing some online reading before turning off the lights. Mr. says the Tesla wants to tell us “goodnight.” I look puzzled. He opens the app and honks the horn of the dang car which is parked inside our detached garage! Forgot that the garage is closer to the neighbors than us! Lol.

Seriously, that is an awesome feature - to be able to cool or warm up the car. The remote honking… not so much.

Unbeknownst to me, my D changed the horn feature to ‘fart’! Imagine my shock when I honked at a pedestrian and the car issued a ‘fart’!


OTOH, one of the beauties of the Model X. Just open teh Gull Wing doors as you approach the car. Cools down in an instant. :grin:

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I don’t think my car has ever been above 100 just sitting there. I use the cabin overheat feature, which keeps it below 105 inside at all times. It shuts off when you have less than 20% battery left. ALso, there is a “vent” feature in the app to vent the windows. And I use the horn feature all the time to find my car in parking lots! Pretty sure it is not meant for a goodnight honk! I didn’t know I could change my horn to fart. I need to try that! So far, I find the fart feature is only helpful when I am picking my kid up in the carpool line at school :wink: Word to the wise, I just bought my kid his own gas car and he had no idea you couldn’t sit in the garage with the garage door down and the car running.

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Temperatures will hit close to 110 here on Monday according to the weatherfolk. Mr. says we should just camp out in the car! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We got our 3 in December and we have loved having it!

We drove 2400 miles round trip down the East coast this spring. One of our road trip games was counting Teslas (charging stations didn’t count). We were quite surprised by how few we saw! It looked to us that people use them locally but aren’t yet brave enough to go long distances.

But we had no issues finding chargers. We used a great app to help us - A Better Route Planner. You configure the settings for the amount of weight the car will carry, the max charge you plan to leave with each charge stop, and the min charge you want to arrive with for each charge stop. I think we also said all our stops would be at least 15 minutes.

Then the app recommends which charger to stop at, and how much charge you need to collect to get to the next stop. It’s so different than topping off your gas. And you can build in amenity stops - like a coffee or a college tour :grinning:. Our drive time was comparable to a gas car - whenever we stopped, we used the bathrooms, picked up lunch, or grabbed a coffee. We switch drivers every 2-3 hours anyway, and the stops worked perfectly with that. So charging never added to the time.

It was a very comfortable trip, and with all the cool driving features, much less stressful than a gas car road trip.

Enjoy your Tesla!


Funny, I haven’t paid attention much at all to how many Teslas are out there until now. We are getting solar, and this thread has me fantasizing. I live in the East Bay, this weekend I literally made a game of Tesla spotting, and I easily called out “Tesla!” Multiple times per minute. In one parking lot, there were three practically next to each other. The place is lousy with ‘em!


I thought of this thread yesterday when I saw my car had 24 miles of driving left in the battery, and the cabin temp was 138 degrees!!! I could not get in, I could not pre-cool it, I had to open all the doors and wait until it was ‘driveable’.

Yipes…would white seats have made a difference?

I have no idea. My husband says all cars get hot (his justification for black on black in a desert!) While that is probably true, I have a hard time believing they get this hot. Our highest temps. yesterday were around 80deg.

I’m skeptical that the interior of the car makes much of a difference during the heat of the day adn direct sun light. Yes, I understand that dark retains heat more than light colors. But once that heat passes thru the glass, it has no where to go. It will heat both dark and light seats similarly. Where it makes a difference is during cool down – the dark seats will retain heat longer.