<p>Is this worth studying? It has 2189 words (Copyrighted 2006)... Also, is there a more recent list that contains 2500 words? Please PM me, I'm willing to trade QAS tests and AP Exams for it. Ty.</p>
<p>which QAS and AP exams do u have?</p>
<p>Sent you a PM.</p>
<p>So is this 2189 list worth studying at all? Is it an antecedent of the 2500 list?</p>
<p>wanna trade candiangirl?</p>
<p>i also need your email address</p>
<p>can i get one too?</p>
<p>Does anyone have the new big list? I have much to offer</p>
<p>It would be cool if you send me that huge list :)</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>which QAS and AP exams do u have?</p>
<p>can anyone send Testmasters Big Word List to me(use PM)?</p>
<p>send the list to me also!</p>
<p> haha No one sent me PMs earlier. So I thought of trying with bigger fonts :D Can anyone please PM me the word list?</p>
<p> I don't think anyone has that. :D</p>
<p>Does anyone have 'any' word list?! </p>
<p>im willing to trade my list if anyone has the old sats for offer
it contains about 2200 words</p>
<p>There are 2189 words on this Testmasters list.
I can trade my list for Grammatix, or any olds sats.</p>
<p>Austin I can trade Grammatix for your list</p>
<p>cool, I sent you a pm.</p>