Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

These are the locations of the classes.
Blocker, Haynes Engineering Bldg, Innovative Learning Classroom Building, Heldenfels, etc.

It’s worth looking up the buildings on a campus map if your son ends up with back to back classes. Generally, there is a long enough passing period that students can walk/bike/bus across main campus for back to back classes, but if one is deep in west campus, then you’ll want to add more time to get to class. Sometimes it’s just unavoidable, and I’ve heard that profs can be accommodating if you notify them ahead of time of the situation.


Any Life and Physical Sciences course recommendations? I heard of Physics for future presidents but those classes look full. Any other recommendations?

The other one I hear a lot about is Poultry Science. Also, sessions may open up before your Aggie registers.

Animal Science and Poultry Science are very popular, easy & enjoyable…as long as student attends class (not joking! My Aggie said many kids failed…because they never attended class/pre-Covid).

There’s kind 223. It’s a sport class plus health. Easy A!

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Thanks to you and @sapphire33 - great info!
What is the Rev Registration site for? It looks to have good info but is it just another option for a registration worksheet?

Rev registration is not supported by A&M. Its my understanding that it was developed by students a few years back because Howdy did not have a graphics view of one’s schedule. But now that Howdy has the graphics version, it is best to just do all schedule experimenting on Howdy via the registration tab and the prepare for registration option. Hope this helps and is accurate…

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I just used Rev Registration to input all of the classes he wants and it made several potential schedules for him. I then went into Howdy to see if those classes were indeed open and made the best schedule that Rev Registration did in the worksheet. It made it not as overwhelming to come up with a potential schedule. I agree, you need to work with and get to know the Registration Worksheet, but Rev Registration was a useful jumping off point to get started.


My daughter’s going to the same NSC! She doesn’t seem too concerned about working out a schedule…should I be worried?! Haha.

We are going Wed/Thur this week as well. My daughter is such a free spirit this whole figuring out your schedule doesn’t seem to stress her out, it does me though, haha. She is supposed to take ENGL 103 or 104. I cant seem to find 103 anywhere as a class.

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My son could not get any of the english classes at his NSC and hopes to take it for Spring.

The advisor suggested using Aggie Scheduler rather than revregistration website (something about unavailable classes also being shown). They were also told to check the time taken to travel to each class.

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Download the A&M app-has a campus map, shows all the places to eat, events/calendar and so much more!

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Be sure to check again in April when it all opens up again. People totally flip their schedule during this time so he may still be able to get it for the Fall.

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Well, registration is over! He got the classes he wanted, just not the ideal times. He accidentally went to Registration Worksheet instead of register and he thinks that cost him valuable time. I told him he could possibly change in August… the schedule he has now is worst case scenario, it can only get better. Bright side, no 8:00 classes, so that is a win in my book! That would be a waste of money for us! Lol

*** Overall, a very successful NSC! Spent over an hour riding the scooters around campus. It was a great way to try to get the lay of the land. He is HORRIBLE with directions! But, we found some basic landmarks that will help orient him to what direction his dorm and the dining hall are.

We got to meet Reveille, try on the Aggie Ring, and spent a ton of money on Aggie shirts!

Favorite restaurants: Stella Southern Cafe for breakfast and 1860 Italia! Both excellent!!!


Awesome. So glad it was a success. And glad you liked those restaurants. Sooo yummy and so m ag more to choose from next time!!!

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I forgot one of the most exciting things… He made the Hullabaloo Band! He is going to have so much fun!


@tmclanton jealous y’all got to meet Miss Rev! My rising junior still hasn’t seen her up close.
As long as your son got the classes he wanted, call it a WIN! I wouldn’t bother with Add/Drops, freshman rarely ever get the exact schedule they want, heck, most students probably never get their ideal schedule,
Was the Mays Exchange open? They always sell great shirts & Mays merch, but only open a couple times a year (NSC being one of those times).
I have heard great things about Stella’s, but we are always busy to get somewhere on our way into town, or it’s closed when we’re leaving.
Congrats on Hullabaloo Band! They’re fun to watch & listen to at basketball games.
I hope you liked all things Mays?!

Glad yall had a good time at the NSC and congrats on making the Hullabaloo band!

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They did have Mays exchange open. I saw a couple shirts I wanted, but wanted him with me to pick what he wanted. By the time he got through talking to his advisor, they had shut down. I was disappointed…. Not I am even more disappointed if they are only open a couple times a year.

You would think the business school would find a way to sell things online… I know we would drop some serious money!