Texas A&M Class of 2025...After you have been accepted...Q&A

ART history 2 satisfies creative arts and ICD. DS was told it is doable so we shall see… My older son took performance studies perf301 and really liked it…its about being in the zone! Easy and interesting class for him. But make sure your son knows what he needs as far as ICD/CD

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Thank you for the advice. I looked that class up and it looks perfect. When he gets home tonight, I will talk to him about this and have him get with his advisor. Not sure we can do anything now, but it is good to have at least a start of a plan.

@tmclanton My student has taken Poultry Science and Animal Science. Both were interesting and pretty easy.
Your son can take a class during Wintermester at A&M. It’ll be accelerated, but basically ‘free’-tuition gets tacked on to spring semester. My student took Dance Appreciation this past WinterMester. Time consuming, but got an A that counts on A&M gpa!
I absolutely don’t believe that mom that posted in Mays Parent page, who said her daughter ‘somehow ended up in Business Honors’. No way, I call BS. I read it to my student, who is a recruiter, and they agreed-no way. She may have mistaken it for UH, but no way she gets to June/NSC and just figured out she’s in BH. Doesn’t happen that way. There is constant communication between BH staff & incoming students, parent/student invitational to attend in the spring, etc. Notice that mom never replied to anyone who asked her things?
BH looks at leadership & activities, as much as academics/rank (at least for high school seniors). Not sure what they look for in current freshman applying? 4.0 for sure + activities/orgs/clubs joined and not sure what else?
Mays wants all incoming freshman to take 12-13 hours. Doesn’t matter if you were Nat Merit, Valedictorian of a large 6A school or the last spot admitted into Mays…they want everyone to start small. They want their students to be involved, make friends, be well rounded, and also successful academically.
I think all scholarships are divided up by semesters, none get paid in full at once. Never heard of one requiring 30 hours? Have him take something during A&M WinterMester, then 15 hours in the spring. Done. You might also have your student contact Office of Financial Aid and ask for clarity. I don’t see why accepting 1 AP this fall won’t count towards the total number of hours taken. I’d have him ask.

@Eggscapgoats funny you say that. My son likes to go to the physical location (I do, too!).
My husband has banked with his work credit union 30+ years, and I kept my teaching credit union acct when I quit teaching, because my CU had safety deposit boxes and his didn’t. Both kids have come to appreciate the quaint ‘smallness’ of our CU, way more personalized then you would find at Chase, Wells Fargo, etc.
Credit Union for the win!

Thank you! I can see how someone could be accepted without even really wanting it… I mean you literally just check the box. Now, how they would not know it at this point, is perplexing. I really do wish they would require a separate essay or something to make sure that those that they are looking at for BH really want BH and not just UH. But, that is just my opinion.

So, on that note, we have heard they should get a 4.0, and be involved in at least one business organization and another organization He is going to be in Hullabaloo band. Does that count as another organization, or does he need to look at getting involved with something else as well as the business one! Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Also, I just had horrible flashbacks from my Dance Appreciation class. It was my sophomore year and my first semester at the university. I took it because I love dance and thought it would be interesting. Ended up having to write a 20 page paper!!! It was awful and the hardest class I took all through college! Even worse than my masters classes and the professional paper I had to write!

@tmclanton i am sure Hullabaloo Band counts/qualifies as an org. My student pledged Phi Beta Lambda freshman year, it’s a (primarily) Business org. I say primarily, because there are some engineers in it, but it is a Mays org. Great group of students!

The BH staff studies and scrutinizes resume/applications and transcripts of every student who applies. Over 2,000 ‘checked the box’ this year, for the incoming class. They know exactly what they’re looking for, they hand pick. There is NO WAY to ‘not know’ you were admitted. None. That Mays mom was either confused with UH, or flat out lying.

Funny about Dance Appreciation! It was a great 3 hour class to knock out-students had already been home since before Thanksgiving, so I think my student was glad to have an ‘escape’, and it allowed a 12 hour spring semester, instead of 15 (when taking Finance 341).

Speaking of finc 341. My son is doing it right now along with scmt 364. Holy nuggets. It’s a grind. In finc Theyve had zero tests until yesterday. Have another one tomorrow and he hasn’t even given them a project yet and classes end next Friday. My son is not happy.

@AggieMomhelp I’ve been following the threads about summer Finc341 on Mays Mom & Dad page. No words. Beyond crazy. That class is a BEAST.
AND he’s taking SCMT364 at the same time???

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Indeed. He’s studying abroad in the fall as a senior and Mays has been terrible about approving equivalent courses. He has to take 5 classes to count for 4 and they only approved 2 to count towards degree. Good times lol

That’s crazy!! Is it because he transferred into Mays? Or did he take equivalent classes elsewhere and they’re not accepting them?
Fingers crossed he can be successful with 341.
Guyton is the only professor who teaches it during the school year…she’s brutal. I know some take it in summer, just to avoid her.
Oooh, an entire semester abroad?! Where and what major/classes?

@Eggscapgoats and @52AG82 My son got a response from the financial aid/scholarship about the 30 hours per year. Great news, AP credit counts. This was their response:

Yes, the following credits count towards the hours earned requirement for your Opportunity Award Scholarship:

Dual Credit Courses

AP Credit

Transfer Courses

I recommend working with you academic advisor prior to accepting any AP credits. For more information, please visit our maintaining eligibilitypage, or review the Scholarship Handbook.

So, nothing to worry about. However, glad I asked because I learned about the class that was mentioned previously. Sounds like a great class for Creatve Arts/CD credit.


@tmclanton that’s great! He should still look into WinterMester at some point, for something-fast, cheap way to knock out a class.
My student got an Opportunity Award freshman year, and there wasn’t any stipulation about taking 30 hours. In fact, the only ‘hours’ requirement for any of our A&M scholarships is to be a full time A&M student (12 hours), and one has a minimum 3.5 gpa.
Be sure to send your son to school with some nice, personalized stationery/note cards -he’ll have to submit a thank you letter to the scholarship donor (he will find out specifics-name/address, when & how to submit- I think it is sometime in the fall).

Thank you! That is great info! I will mention the Wintermester. It sounds great to me. I know that he wants to be available to do Hullaballoo Band during breaks (apparently Mr. England needs people to be available during breaks and doing so could help him get to go to March Madness and extra things like that.)

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@tmclanton ah yes, forgot about that. I’d definitely wait for WinterMester until soph year, even then he may not NEED to do it. Mine did it, simply to knock out a random class, lessen the spring load and they had time to kill.
Holiday games are very fun-small crowd, easy to get great seats, very low key. We go as often as we can over break.
Your son will definitely get very specific communication about submitting a thank-you note. We ordered some nice monogrammed fold-over notes, maroon ink, from American Stationery.


That’s great news. So glad you asked. Now we know for future students on here.

Wintermesters are golden.

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My D21 doesn’t see her schedule in HOWDY when she clicks on schedule - can’t find it anywhere and kind of freaking out? Is this normal? Do you think she should email her advisor? She had NSC 2 weeks ago.

Make sure the semester selected is Fall 2021

Thank you, this didn’t help. I told her to reach out to her advisor tomorrow. She can’t figure out how to find her schedule.

Definitely should show. Let us know what happens in case it happens to others.