<p>Does anyone have any idea about A&M's Masters in Petroleum Engineering offered online? Does it worth the money? (A&M's MS in PETR is ranked #1 or #2 in the nation) </p>
<p>I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering and I'm about to start working for a drilling company. I have not taken and PETR classes, so I thought I would look into MS programs in PETR. </p>
<p>Or I could do an online certification through A&M, please see the link.
Texas</a> A&M Petroleum Distance Learning </p>
<p>and I'm thinking the following 6 classes</p>
<p>PETE 661 Drilling Engineering
PETE 628 Horizontal Drilling
PETE 662 Production Engineering
PETE 663 Formation Eval. & Analysis of Reservoir Performance
PETE 664 Petroleum Project Evaluation and Management
PETE 665 Reservoir Engineering</p>
<p>My question is, starting salary with just a BS in Mech is 70-75K, if I get the certification, will I get paid more? </p>
<p>Thanks a lot in advance!</p>