Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Sorry, typo. They said “not many regular admission spots left.” I don’t know how to edit a post.

Wow! That many kids are still waiting to hear from A&M!?!? At least we are in good company! (After you post, there is a little pencil at the bottom of your post that you can click to edit what you’ve previously posted. :wink:)


I don’t have the pencil. I have a smiley face, a hyperlink, a flag, and a book mark. That’s it.

For what it is worth, I went back and looked and my middle son (Class of 23) got his offer of TEAB/Galveston/McAllen on January 28th, 2019. He was one of the first to receive those offers. So those offers could be any day.


Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but does anyone know if they have sent any rejection decisions out? Or is it only acceptances at this point?

I could be wrong, but no rejections yet. Before that they would do other offers like Blinn team and Gateway and PSA.

You are right, and they rarely give an outright denial. They want to give you every opportunity to succeed, hence all of the alternative pathways.


Denials are at the very end. Like March timeframe I think. Never heard of denials when there are spots to still give out.

Ive also heard that PSA would be similar to a ‘soft denial’ but it’s still getting another chance to get there next year, if you don’t mind spending a year in a place like Kingsville, Corpus, Commerce… Also as far as denials, I have no idea what would get you outright DENIED. Maybe terribly low grades? Incomplete applications?

With upwards of 50k students applying, there are only so many regular admission and alternate pathways available.

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Right - not to mention racial and gender balancing admissions is doing as they admit.

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As far as denials, I think most are incomplete applications. I have a good friend whose child finished 1090 out of 1100 and the student was offered PSA from TAMU. The student’s SAT and activities were average/below average. The student chose to go to another 4 yr school out of state to get more of a college experience. Bottom line-I think almost everyone can expect a PSA offer.


@misterhemmings , I wouldn’t take everything on reddit seriously. Given that many of us with kids in first quarter and good stats still haven’t heard from TAMU , I would like to believe that there are still spots for regular, non auto admit full admissions. I would like to stay optimistic and hopeful until my son gets an official notification from the school.


Thanks ALN - fully agree with you on that. There were people arguing with the poster on reddit that they didn’t know what they were talking about

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And it’s one big reason why they’ll lose top people to UT. While TAMU is busy cramming everyone needs their dog into their alternative programs they ignore top students until the last minute. Meanwhile, UT is offering honors, money…TAMU needS to catch up

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@misterhemmings , some people are alarmist. They like to cause panic knowing very well that parents and students are trying to get every bit of news from the school and will believe everything they read. Please stay positive. Hopefully we will hear something this week.


Out of curiosity — is this normal from TAMU to wait until after all the other universities in Texas (and state universities elsewhere) have accepted? Granted this is my first child to go to college, but he’s hard back admission and scholarship offers from multiple places in Texas (Tech, Abilene), Arkansas, Colorado, and Auburn. Also friends have already gotten into UT Austin. TAMU seems to take longer than literally every other university. Is it normal for them?

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P.S. I’m fine with it, as long as this is the way they do it and they have their reasons. I get that it is competitive but there has to be something more than that, maybe it’s that they really take their time holistically considering every student? I would like to think it’s because of the thought they put into it

If you’re non-auto, then yes, I have a lot of older friends that waited until MARCH to get decisions! But they did in fact get in. They’re inundated with applications and try hard to find a spot for everyone. Tamu is a MASSIVE school. Other huge schools, like Michigan, also struggle to sift through all the applications in a timely manner. Nature of the beast. Hang in there!

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I don’t believe that A&M is alone with taking forever for their acceptances. My niece has not heard from A&M or UT - Top Qtr - 1290 SAT She was accepted to Baylor, Texas State and Oklahoma in the fall with scholarships. Some UT’s automatic admits only found out if they made into the college of their choice a little over a week ago. My twin boys found out in the middle of Dec that they got accepted to A&M but a lot of their friends are still anxiously waiting. Many of them applied in August so very frustrated. My sister-in-law was telling me last night that my nephew found out in January 2020 that he had a PSA offer and he had lower stats than my niece. He ended up going to U of H. It is hard to be patient when you applied almost 6 months ago.