<p>I'm not sure if it was coming here and reading tips, or simply practicing a lot, but I was able to significantly raise my SAT score and surpass my goal!</p>
<p>So I just wanted to thank the College Confidential community in general for helping me :).</p>
<p>If anyone is curious to know what I got, just ask. Otherwise, I don't think there is any reason to post my score haha.</p>
<p>Thanks again everyone!</p>
<p>Don’t you mean College Confidential? Haha. What’d you get before/after?</p>
<p>It was all you! :)</p>
<p>xD yes I do mean College Confidential. I was just so excited! I should fix that lol.</p>
<p>And thanks ■■■■■■■■, but the community helped too!</p>
<p>My first time I got a 1780 (w/o coming here)
My second time I got a 1980 (I came here a fair amount)
My third and final time I got a 2090 (I was here a while)</p>
<p>I did lots of practice questions, and my total superscore is a 2110. I’m really happy with that!</p>
<p>Congratulations! Hard work pays off :)</p>
<p>Yay for rewards! :D</p>
<p>I personally would like to thank the college confidential community as well. In 10th grade I took the PSAT and got a 199, but this year when I took the SAT for the 1st time i got a 2160. All thanks to this website. Later, I took the SAT for the second time and got a 2260. I am so happy that I have a 2300 superscored. This website rocks!!!</p>
<p>The reason I like this website is it makes you aware of what the expectation is for the colleges you want to go to! It definitely helps, and great job! :)</p>
<p>Thanks and thanks! Yes, this website is amazing, and I’m glad it helped other people too! So if anyone else wants to share stories like m(binary code) lol and me, that would be really nice :).</p>
<p>Ah, yes, the story sharing. XD Well, I got a 204 on PSATs and then a 2230 on first SAT. CC had a lot to do with it. It also made me more aware of the scores that were possible, and necessary. It’s important to take everything here with a grain of salt though, because after all, these students are some of the best in the United States and sometimes it’s depressing to compete with what feels like the entire world. :D</p>
<p>hey man wanna tell me what u did? Im in the same boat as I scored 1940 on my first attempt and would like to improve as you have</p>
<p>Honestly this website gives you ALOT of motivation to do well, but I think its because you guys have really high standards and helps me strive towards them regardless of me knowing I won’t make it there but it helps me reach my potential .</p>
<p>@eyeshield23: It’s late right now for me, and I need to get to bed soon so I’m not a zombie tomorrow lol, but on Tuesday I think I’ll be free enough (maybe) to send you some tips in some areas you might have a little trouble with. Or I could post it here!</p>
<p>Sorry that I can’t post them right away though :(</p>
<p>@AzureStar sure thatd be great thanks :D</p>
<p>So many people I know debase CC, but it has been invaluable for me!
172 on soph PSAT (lol) –> 2180 so far. Shooting for 2250 next time! Thanks, CC
<p>Any math strategies would severely appreciated though…</p>