<p>I figured that we have 6 days until we find out...then we'll be going on with our lives and CC would be in the past.... </p>
<p>I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum for the help all throughout the transfer process. At first, I just logged on to find answers, but then I came here for support...and now we're all supporting each other through the final stages of decisions.... </p>
<p>So thanks UC Transfers on CC....and hopefully we get into our dream schools Class of 2011 :P</p>
<p>I wanted to make this thread like…AFTER we got our acceptances. Thanks for ruining it!</p>
<p>Just kidding, but I did want to…oh well. I probably still will. [: </p>
<p>If I didn’t find this forum, I’d probably be stressing out to the max, but everyone is very helpful. (Even though I did sign up just last month! xD.)</p>
<p>Sakurax, </p>
<p>we have to get into CAL !! ^___^</p>
<p>Right on.
I, for one, will never be coming back here after UCLA decisions are posted. It’s just easier to come to this board to see if there’s an accepted-to-UCLA-freakout thread on the board than it is to log into URSA or the UCLA admissions website.
Anyway, there was some somewhat useful information posted, and I’m grateful for it.</p>
<p>YES, we do.</p>
<p>We should like find an apartment. xDDDD.</p>
<p>*my balls are touching… *</p>
<p>good thread. yeah this forum has been a good resource.</p>
<p>…we CCers need to make a secret sign that will identify us at the school we go to so ppl will think that we’re in a cult</p>
<p>you don’t plan on dorming? o.O </p>
<p>haha … I currently live on Haste with my bf here. -___-- Start looking now!! :P</p>
<p>No, dorms are expensive, and I don’t like…well, I’m picky, let’s leave it at that. </p>
<p>Oh, I am! Oh yeah, I forgot.
<p>One week…>__<;;</p>