Thanks for the Scholorship

<p>My daughter was asked to write a thank you letter for her engineering scholorship. I believe these letters will then be sent to donors. I have cut and pasted a paragraph from her letter below. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did…Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I was never the athletic type, so as college approached, I was worried that I would not be able to attend college on scholarship. School has always been my thing; the thing that I’m good at, that I succeed at, that I flourish at. I was worried that by focusing on homework and good grades instead of the soccer field or the swimming pool, I had ruined my chances of a scholarship. The University of Alabama gave me everything I pined for most: a large school, an out of state school, a fantastic football department, a beautiful, historic campus, a rich tradition, and, most importantly, incredibly generous merit based scholarships for people just like me. At first I didn’t really understand why Alabama offered far better scholarship opportunities than almost every other school in the country. Was it the football team’s revenues? Did they value academics more than other universities? Did they realize that merit scholarships are a great way to lure in potential students before they get hooked by everything else that is great about the university? The truth is, all of these things factor into it; however, it is people like you that really made my dreams come true. People feel an overwhelming connection to this university. Pardon the cliché, but at the University of Alabama, everyone is part of one large, happy family. It’s as if alumni, students, faculty, and all those touched by the kindness and greatness of this university are all connected by an invisible rope that ties us all together forever. This rope manifests itself in your kind act of donating money to allow my college hopes to be realized, it manifests itself in this thank you letter, it manifests itself everywhere on campus. This filial bond drew me to the university and I believe one day it will be the thing that drives me to extend to another student the kindness that you have extended to me. Thank you for your kind donations, they have influenced my college decisions and experience more than you will ever know.</p>

<p>Very nice letter. My D was asked to write one last year for two different scholarships in addition to attending one luncheon in August and another in May of this year. Just as many on this board have commented about the “extra mile” or “small touches” the UA provides to our students, I believe it is also appropriate for our students and us as parents to show our appreciation in return.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Wow, I really love this letter. That says it all. My son was not a superstar in high school, not a letterman, not top of his class. But Bama wanted him and was willing to give him a scholarship. Whenever I meet a Bama alum, I make it a point to shake their hand and thank them for making it possible for my son to go to college.</p>

<p>Yes, this thank you does say everything that is important; everything that should be said. And very elequently too.</p>

<p>A letter to be proud of. Congratulations on your daughter…she sounds like a fine young woman.</p>

<p>That’s a lovely letter, sniner, and it sounds heartfelt. Here’s hoping our incoming freshmen have the wonderful experience they’re anticipating and more - I’m confident they will.</p>

<p>Great letter! And since D and I had the pleasure of joining Sniner and her D for lunch while we were in the Rocky Mountain state this summer, I can say that I have no doubt she meant those words. Sniner D is an amazing young lady!</p>

<p>Thanks Lattelady. We are both very lucky to have such special daughters.</p>

<p>Ok, now I feel all warm and fuzzy again ( feeling pretty dis-heartened after reading my thread this morning).
Thanks so much sniner, and congrats on raising such a fine young lady.</p>

<p>What a wonderful letter…I hope my son’s letter is half as nice. Hopefully he gets too it soon!</p>

<p>Sniner: Very well said on your daughter’s part, they will appreciate her letter.</p>

<p>Good Luck to your daughter this year at Bama
Roll Tide~~~</p>

<p>Wow…my letter wasn’t anywhere near that eloquently written. Are you sure she’s majoring in engineering and not English?</p>