Thanksgiving airfares

<p>While we pay for the airfare, I still wanted my DD to learn what it took to book a flight, and what kind of monies are involved.So...I did the research based on the days her school calendar showed as her vacation days. I then put the money it would take to buy the ticket into her checking account, and reminded her to book her trip-sooner rather than later. If her ticket cost more than what I had put into her checking account, she would have to put in the difference-and-if it turned out to be less she got to keep the $$. She uses her credit card to buy the ticket-and that way builds her credit score. She does not have a credit card that earns her miles-just a student cc tied to her checking account.</p>

<p>3- same here, DD was scheduling a ticket, it was $100 more expensive to stay for classes, she knows often classes are canceled before a holiday )not Tgiving this time, but a spring one)....she emailed with the prof, he confirmed the class would be held, she bought the more expensive ticket (not southwest, so no cheap switch) and then he canceled class the week before break- why?</p>

<p>He probably realized he booked his tickets for the weekend before Thanksgiving at the last minute. :p</p>

<p>I was actually surprised out here how I still had class on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and everyone seemed confused on how I was used to having classes canceled the week of Thanksgiving. Perhaps it's an east vs. west coast thing?</p>

<p>In case anyone is considering U of R, my son was at the University of Rochester when his professor canceled at the last minute. Great school, otherwise!</p>

<p>Right around $200 roundtrip from ABQ to RDU for T-day on southwest (web-special and then have switched out when a cheaper Ding! comes along). One-way from philly to RDU for $39+ plus son has to take septa from uni to airport, under $20 for that. Other son, depends, about $49 from BWI to RDU plus super shuttle for about $15/$20 depends who else is riding along. All on Southwest.</p>

<p>I buy the cheapest I can find early and then watch Ding! and usually 90% of the time can refund and re-buy same flight for cheaper. Having Southwest as a possibilty in a nearby airport has been a factor in the kiddos school choices. Not a HUGE factor but a factor. And after YEARS of this, it has made a significant difference. Literally thousands of dollars saved, between the 4 of them. Also now the no charge for additional luggage, and the saved funds account for canceled flights and the ability to hold them on account for 12 months later has also really helped.</p>


<p>I just learned that SWA has a college rapid rewards plan, check it out- your kid has to start from scratch with a new number, loses all old stuff- you need a different mailing & email address than before so it qualifies as a new account.</p>

<p>4 credits at sign up, double credits for all online trips!</p>

<p>A friend told me her daughter took this bus and it was extremely comfortable. Unfortunately, it covers only a small part of the country, but there may be similar bus services in other parts of the country, as well. </p>

<p></a> - low cost, daily, express bus service in the US</p>

<p>I was all in love with Expedia until I looked at the airline's site and discovered that Expedia's were more expensive! Those sites are a deal if you are booking a hotel in addition to the flight, otherwise, do check the airline. I don't use a credit card, so no help there.</p>

<p>Just took a car trip for a college visit/audition with S2. Saw the Megabus during both driving days. May consider it for S2 if he goes to school just visited. </p>

<p>I have heard good things about the Megabus, and you can't beat the price.</p>