That Feeling in the Pit of Your Stomach

<p>You saw Joan and Todd last year. I lost to Todd at districts last year and he goes to georgetown. Guess what Joan goes to YALE! But Joan lost to Todd, so the number two went to Yale. Hookem so you were at state last year, did you go to state this year it was in Houston and about 30 minutes from my house.</p>

<p>For anyone interested, [this</a> site](<a href=“”> has tons of videos of university debates. They’re parliamentary, but I think that’s the norm. </p>

<p>It seems like high school debating in America is generally very technical. In Canada, tubs are unheard of. Usually you’re given a resolution and have 15 minutes to prepare it, or it’s squirreled. The style is pretty relaxed, especially at university tournaments where speaking style counts for very little.</p>

<p>^ Ohhhh that’s right, man. I was a little off. 2nd place (Joan) went to Yale, and 1st went to GU. Both from the great debating state of Texas!! W00t!!!</p>

<p>and nah, I didn’t go to State. This year, I only went to one tournament in November, took 1st in Congress and placed in a few other events, and then never went back hahaha. All my Speech friends hated me, because I could’ve easily qualled for State in one more tournament, but I got too busy with other stuff (Theatre, Mock Trial, Senior Thesis, etc.)</p>

<p>Doesn’t anyone feel confident that they’ll get in?</p>

<p>Wouldn’t that amount to over confidence?</p>

<p>So true about the breaking thing…</p>

<p>At the Worlds last year, our team anxiously awaited the break announcement, cuz our country hadn’t broken in a long while. But we didn’t make it, and even after all that hard work, we were four spots from making national history…</p>

<p>…loads of us debaters applying to Yale, huh?</p>

<p>Hahaha tubs. I almost forgot about those. I remember dragging those all over the place during tournments in heels and dress pants. Not very comfortable. And we never left them out of our sight…everyone was very protective of them since our whole case and all our evidence was in it. But yeah, speaking is very important in policy. Those speaker points helped us a lot though haha.</p>

<p>Yep, let’s all report back on March 31st and see how well our wonderful EC serves us!</p>

<p>I don’t mean to be a jerk, but I feel really calm about everything.</p>

<p>Is anyone else with me on this?</p>

<p>So like, I’m not sitting around saying “Ahh yes, these schools will be fighting tooth and nail to woo me”, I’m more like:</p>

<p>“I can’t do anything more now…Oh cool, this CD has the F.E.A.R. 2 demo?!”</p>

<p>@No2EuLA Yup. That’s what I mean by like confident/calm. It’s beyond my control. I know I’ve done my best throughout highschool. Let the cards fall where they will.</p>

<p>I feel kinda calm yet sporadically paranoid because I got into one of my dream schools last week. Still though, while I’m really happy about it, it would suck to be rejected by everyone else.</p>

<p>My second-choice school is a match, and I’m hoping I’ll get in there with some financial aid. My biggest fear is that I won’t be able to pay for the college I get into, which is one of the reasons Yale is my first choice.</p>

<p>But I’m in the same boat as some others. There’s nothing I can do now, so why stress about it? I never drink coffee and I had an entire cup this morning. The caffeine is still zooming in my head, I can’t focus, and I’m listening to Animal Collective. I also just finished a scholarship application.</p>