<p>When you’re at the beach, a big wave is coming and you’re too close to run back to shore, but too far to try and dive under.</p>
<p>When you are about to dir</p>
<p>When you’re walking downstairs at night and you think there’s one less stair than there is.</p>
<p>(Happens to me all the time, I need Netflix -___-) When you remember that your DVDs were due after the library has already closed…</p>
<p>When you drop your electronic device
When you dream that you’re falling and then you WAKE UP and you weren’t at all
When your ice cream drips and somehow the whole scoop is falling but then you do a Matrix move and catch it in your cone
When you are listening to music that you love and doing nothing in particular but somebody comes in your room and says hey.</p>
<p>When you forget to do hw the night before ^_^</p>
<p>When you wake up to find out that you are supposed to be taking an AP test.</p>
<p>When you go on vacation and left your retainer at home</p>
<p>When you turn around and you find out that your alien overlords have arrivrtyuijhgyuohipjkldnokhop</p>
<p>I do not recall any scary moments in my relatively long, human life full of joy and comfort.</p>
<p>When you can’t immediately feel your phone in your pocket.</p>
<p>When you call someone and his teacher answers the phone.
When your teacher asks you to step outside for a moment in the middle of a test after telling the whole class that there has been a cheating scandal.
When you do your homework in class on the day that it’s due in the front row.</p>
<p>When you forget there’s a test on the day of the test and you didn’t study.</p>
<p>When you put a ring on your finger and can’t get it off</p>
<p>When you find out that your parents make too much money for any FA, but won’t contribute a penny to your college expenses.</p>