<p>All Included- Fat AND Thin!</p>
<p>H Y U P O</p>
<p>All Included- Fat AND Thin!</p>
<p>H Y U P O</p>
<p>Universally omnipresent, he yearns peace.</p>
<p>N O E R P</p>
<p>Every One Peeps Natalies Rotunda</p>
<p>S K A T E</p>
<p>Six Kills at the end.</p>
<p>A T T W N</p>
<p>Wack New Toys at Wisconsin</p>
<p>C H I N A</p>
<p>Cheesy hindus in north America.</p>
<p>E A A R P</p>
<p>Evil AARP!!!</p>
<p>N O M A D</p>
<p>Do Mermaids Nibble On Artichokes?</p>
<p>P L U M S</p>
<p>please leave my snapple unopened?</p>
<p>S U P E R</p>
<p>Revengeful sinners upend European peace.</p>
<p>D A I S Y</p>
<p>D*mn You Stupid Air-filled Ice!</p>
<p>H A I R Y</p>
<p>His arrogant indifferent retarded yams.</p>
<p>G A T S B</p>
<p>Gatsby ate the sexy b**** (those who read the Great gatsby, this refers to Daisy) :)</p>
<p>T e l m t</p>
<p>Teenage Mutant Technical Exuberant Laamas</p>
<p>S W I F T</p>
<p>Such wiggers in funky town.</p>
<p>E J I A G</p>
<p>E J I A G: Giants Are Insanely Electrocuting Jello</p>
<p>Excuse Ryan's Apples, Pears, Umbrellas </p>
<p>O R E O S</p>
<p>Okija, Really Easy Octopus Salad</p>
<p>S P I C E</p>
<p>Sweet peaches in exquisite cream.</p>
<p>J B B Q I</p>
<p>Bar B Q is Jammin!</p>
<p>K F C A M</p>