<p>Rectifying obnoxious bards involves nuance.</p>
<p>Rectifying obnoxious bards involves nuance.</p>
<p>So Authentic..something to pass time.</p>
<p>Edible underwear fed twelve divers.</p>
<p>C R A N K</p>
<p>Cranky Roman Angels Need Kings</p>
<p>Your sister's daughter got heavy!</p>
<p>P L I E R</p>
<p>Long Ears Pull Rain In</p>
<p>Horses appeared panting pouring yolk.</p>
<p>Yale has all preppy people.</p>
<p>F U D G E</p>
<p>Extra Graduation Defines Under Frustration..</p>
<p>N I C E</p>
<p>Even rare cumquats never implode. (I added a fifth letter..it's the five letter game!)</p>
<p>M A P L E</p>
<p>Purple Llamas Eat Moaning Apples</p>
<p>H E A R T</p>
<p>Heat rice and eggs together.</p>
<p>P L A I D</p>
<p>People Like Apples in December.</p>
<p>I'll make my own.</p>
<p>Evil flying squirrels integrate kilograms.</p>
<p>Into dark bedrooms junior ran.</p>
<p>Imams translate regal yellow envelopes.</p>
<p>Pigs dig into radiated arches.</p>
<p>Little ogre people eat worms.</p>
<p>Don't underestimate the world's volcanoes.</p>
<p>B O R A T</p>
<p>Thanks alot, Richard, Oliver burped!</p>
<p>F A S T R</p>
<p>fat and stupid trolls reek</p>
<p>P H T R L</p>