<p>Bob obeyed Billy's oblivious behavior.</p>
<p>B A H E R</p>
<p>Bob obeyed Billy's oblivious behavior.</p>
<p>B A H E R</p>
<p>Rewind Endless Hassles And Babbles..</p>
<p>S O B E R..</p>
<p>so over being rashly ejected</p>
<p>S K N D L</p>
<p>new kids don't learn stuff.</p>
<p>A G T H P</p>
<p>All porpoises go to heaven.</p>
<p>N K O T B</p>
<p>Never Kiss Otter's tender bottoms.</p>
<p>A G R E E</p>
<p>A giraffe eats eleven roses.</p>
<p>G I R A F</p>
<p>Gargantuan indigo rhinoceroses ascertain facts.</p>
<p>Valentine Waterlillies xeroxed Yasmine's Zebra.</p>
<p>N E V E R</p>
<p>Exculpatory Elephant noted Rhino's vengeance.</p>
<p>R H I N O</p>
<p>Huge Orange Rakes Never Inspire</p>
<p>W H A L E</p>
<p>Holy Water Aided Lilian Extensively.</p>
<p>W A M A Z</p>
<p>Winged adamantine monstrosities attack zithers.</p>
<p>Tasty treats tumble toward Kansas</p>
<p>T A S T Y</p>
<p>Tom ate sandy today yummily.</p>
<p>Y A S B K</p>
<p>You're a seriously brave knight.</p>
<p>M I B T C</p>
<p>May I bring tollhouse cookies?</p>
<p>J K L M N</p>
<p>Nevertheless, John's khakis merely lusted.</p>
<p>I'll make up my own then...</p>
<p>Ravishing kangaroos enthusiastically vandalize Jamaicans.</p>
<p>Why? Very yucky, very rare.</p>
<p>C H A O S</p>