<p>Charles hasn't always owned shrimp.</p>
<p>T C B Y X</p>
<p>Charles hasn't always owned shrimp.</p>
<p>T C B Y X</p>
<p>Take cocaine before your xanax.</p>
<p>P L R M I</p>
<p>Plump rats move long islands</p>
<p>P L U M P</p>
<p>People Landed Under Mum's Pork.</p>
<p>G W D I Z</p>
<p>Grasshoppers wander daintily inside zoologists.</p>
<p>Mocha ass in New England.</p>
<p>M D I B T</p>
<p>Marvelously demonic ions bruch tediously.</p>
<p>remember to post 5 letters.</p>
<p>R M B M S</p>
<p>Random mumps bite mute Severus.</p>
<p>A B C W T</p>
<p>Abacus bashing confounds widgets, too.</p>
<p>Water rises higher near rocks.</p>
<p>R E A R Z</p>
<p>Republicans eat all red zebras.</p>
<p>J Q X Z V</p>
<p>Jackie qued xerox zebras violently.</p>
<p>I'll make up my own.</p>
<p>Eagles grafitti the egregious felines.</p>
<p>^^^^Eat Eggs For Green Teeth.</p>
<p>O K E A Q</p>
<p>Often Kings Eat Arrogant Queens.</p>
<p>Lets peel lemons together today.</p>
<p>D U C K Y</p>
<p>Democratic undulates cajoled kangaroos yesterday.</p>
<p>T U P A C</p>
<p>Ticklish Underarms Poke Arthur's Cheese.</p>
<p>S N A C K</p>
<p>Serendipitous ne'er-do-wells always canter knowledgeably.</p>
<p>Dinosaurs Run Hell Under You</p>
<p>F S C O L</p>