The 5 Letters Game

<p>Shy humans inspired rosy tinges.</p>

<p>T T B T T</p>

<p>The Thong Bit Tony Tightly.</p>

<p>A B C D E</p>

<p>carl ate daddy's bacon</p>

<p>F H I P T</p>

<p>Fo' izzle, the pheasant hizzled.</p>

<p>S E N S E</p>

<p>seven eleven sells every nut</p>

<p>I H T F P</p>

<p>Peter happened to forget ice.</p>

<p>T A C O S</p>

<p>Tertiary sources always consider occurrences.</p>

<p>P E R C Y</p>

<p>People Eat Really Chatty Youngsters.</p>

<p>B L I N K [182]</p>

<p>Blue Little Islanders Never Kill 182 (People)</p>

<p>H O M I E</p>

<p>His obstinate mistress is Edna.</p>

<p>H O M E R</p>

<p>Horny Oranges Make Everything Ripe</p>

<p>Z X W Y V</p>

<p>Zoie's xylophone will yell vigorously.</p>

<p>P A T T Y</p>

<p>Pete's Ass Totally Turned Yellow</p>

<p>A B A B C</p>

<p>Anorexia became Amanda's Barf criteria.</p>

<p>N A S T Y</p>

<p>Near Atlanta, sewage turns yellow</p>

<p>H U N G R Y (I know it's 6, I don't care. I'm hungry!)</p>

<p>Harold's underwear nearly gagged Ryan yesterday.</p>

<p>F U N N Y</p>

<p>Nine nuns frisked Yuki's underoos.</p>

<p>B L U N T</p>

<p>test post test post 123</p>


<p>(helping the game continue)</p>

<p>G A J Q O</p>