The 5 Letters Game

<p>Finicky seals continuously offer lettuce.</p>


<p>Sickly teachers have dysentery yearly.</p>

<p>H Y P M S</p>

<p>How yucky people mess, sucks.</p>

<p>Y U C K Y</p>

<p>Young undercover yam crayon kite</p>

<p>C O L L E</p>

<p>Camaraderie obfuscates lemony ligamented elephants.</p>

<p>F A U S T</p>

<p>Fast Animals Utilize Sexy Turtles.</p>

<p>N O W A Y</p>

<p>Necks on whales are yummy</p>

<p>H L I S J</p>

<p>Hills jump in lovely summer</p>

<p>P I L M E</p>

<p>Pilgrims inseminated me last enero.</p>

<p>C H A L K</p>

<p>Charlie has a large kangaroo.</p>

<p>P A R L E</p>

<p>Parry and Riposte, Lunge! En garde!</p>

<p>F E N C E</p>

<p>Ferrets eventually nuke cold eggplants.</p>

<p>P R A N K</p>

<p>People really antagonize negro kinkiness</p>

<p>L E M O N</p>

<p>Little Elephant Masks open Nirvana.</p>

<p>B A S K T</p>

<p>Burly alligators slap kipper tails.</p>

<p>P U R S E</p>

<p>Pretty Ubiquitous Runners Slap Elephants</p>

<p>B I O L O</p>

<p>Belly ionization outdates lolly-pop origination.</p>

<p>F A T I S</p>

<p>Stupid Idiots Take Freakish Acts</p>

<p>Z X V Q Y</p>

<p>Zach's Xilophone vibrated quite yeildingly.</p>

<p>M O T H E</p>

<p>Most orangutans eventually think hedonistically. </p>

<p>S H I R T</p>