I put in the 3 colleges I've been to in the past on the uc app (1 of them I was concurrently enrolled in high school)</p>
<p>whenever you're supposed to put in your courses, it has "fall/spring/summer" 2007, completely skips 2008, and then has "fall/spring/summer 2009." ***!?</p>
<p>what am i supposed to do!~? i attended college in 2008 lol</p>
<p>It seems like you might be messing up your dates of attendance somehow. I had no issue and also had numerous different schools.</p>
<p>the only weird thing is i took off spring of 2008, i don’t know if that would do anything?</p>
<p>I have a problem too. I can’t fit all my classes into the 8 spots provided for fall term. Haha.</p>
<p>edmfanatiq: I had the same issue. The help desk told me to put those classes in a different term, then clarify the situation in the additional comments section at the end of the app. If you still feel nervous about it, you don’t have to take my word for it, call the UC app help desk!</p>
<p>I figured out EXACTLY the problem-
it did not have university of miami as a college and it had like the high vschool version of it like “university of miami academy” or something and i didn’t even read it twice. but then i was <em>duhhhhhh</em>.
everything’s fine now
thank you guys</p>
<p>Thanks empirescrumble.</p>