The annual boarding school dirty laundry thread

Well, I tried hard NOT to buy the service again. My kid was even willing to do laundry. But the formal dress code makes it really impractical (impossible?) not to have the service. Doing laundry is one thing, but having to iron all the shirts and find ways to have woolens etc dry cleaned means that we effectively don’t have another option.

Adding to my dislike of good ole E&R is that the day scheduled for pick up of the laundry items is Monday. That is a bad day as there are several Mondays during the school year when the kids are not there due to long weekends etc. I feel like we get gypped out of a few day’s (week’s) service! I have pointed this out to E&R with little result.

The reality is that they are the only game in town and they know it. Formal dress codes make it a necessary requirement. I can say that we will not be using it in college! :slight_smile:

Wrinkle free shirts. Pull them out of the dryer and you’re good to go. Of course, wrinkles are part of that preppy look along with the shaggy hair long overdue for a haircut. :slight_smile:

@doschicos I love the idea. But try to convince a 16-year old girl!

My kids resemble that remark

It is probably more of a guy thing, @london203.

Both boys graduated from formal dress BSs and had laundry service during that time but they do their own laundry now with reasonable proficiency. We’re still working on checking and emptying their pockets before washing…

So far, they’ve washed ( and sometimes dried ) countless earbuds, one phone, enough change to fill a jar, one paycheck, car keys, one loose ID and debit card and one one wallet.

Progress… not perfection … Although I will admit that I almost cried when I heard the cell phone rolling around inside my dryer. How does that even happen?

I’m surprised by how much formal attire is packed for college. Nice shirts, blazers and a few favorite ties along with their “nicer” khakis or reds. Where are you going? You’re free now! But I do appreciate them planning ahead and wanting to have appropriate attire on hand just in case.

The hair thing, however, is completely out of control. Even though the ultra thin neon girl headbands serve a purpose by keeping their long hair off their face… it’s a look my husband is still struggling to embrace… daily.

So much so- I’ve put all the scissors in a different drawer and told the kids to sleep with one eye open. :slight_smile:

@PhotographerMom - For my son. it was the opposite - how little formal wear was packed for college. That’s mainly what is left in the closet at home. Especially ties. He brought one outfit, I think, to cover him just in case, but definitely didn’t foresee needing the range of choices he had from BS. Colleges vary, however, and my kid’s is definitely on the more casual side. In contrast, I would imagine if one went to a school like Washington & Lee, all that stuff would be put to good use.

An answer to to the hair thing: man bun. Many females groove on the man bun. :wink:

Slightly off topic, but out of curiosity; what is the current parent definition of long hair as it pertains to your sons? Are we talking One Direction 2015 vs. 2011? Jared Leto from Dallas Buyer’s Club vs. My So-Called Life? I can’t think of too many guys that I graduated with that had enough hair for a man bun.

I REFUSE to go google One Direction to check their hair in 2011 or 2015. Blech. Jared Leto on the other hand… :wink:
Your’e right, though, @skieurope that most BS guys hair isn’t quite long enough to do the man bun, but might as well grow it out longer. I know a few that have post BS.

A barber on campus would make so much money…

My son has always had a buzz cut, I believe a number 2 guard, or 1/4 inch. He gets a little freaked if it gets much longer than that. It will be interesting to see what he looks like the first time he comes home… (Unless he finds a barber within walking distance or a cute girls with a pair of clippers.)

I wish guys would start looking like the 1976 Barry Gibb…

I’m currently reading a book written by Kunal Nayyar, who portrays Raj on The Big Bang Theory. He recounts coming to the US from India to go to college at the University of Portland. He writes:

He does lose his virginity during that time though, although not in that bed. I guess there is hope for all those boarding school boys out there.

^^^Yuck, just yuck.

FormerCK says he has so much more free time than he did at BS because his college does his laundry, all of it. Nice to know where our tax dollars are going.

OTOH, he says that once a bed is made to military standards (passed inspection), it can’t be duplicated in the time the cadets have in the AMs to get ready for formation, so they tape the perfectly-made sheets down with duct-tape and sleep atop the “brick” for the rest of the year, using a second, removable sheet that can be stowed away quickly elsewhere. All they have to do in the AM is fold their green blanket (called a “green girl” because it’s all they get to snuggle with) at the foot of their beds. Voila! Problem solved.

It’s highly doubtful that there are any shenanigans going on in those rooms.

Update: the clothes dryers here aren’t great at drying clothes.

I think I said that a year ago. :slight_smile: FWIW, they aren’t great in college either.

@ChoatieMom - I greatly admire your son for going the service academy route. My son considered it briefly. I think his personality would have issues dealing with the “rules are rules” mentality such as your example above - jumping through hoops to have a neat looking bed just to have a neat looking bed at the expense of a good night’s sleep. I bet my son doesn’t even make his bed.

Oddly enough, he says his bed is very comfortable. Can’t imagine, though. He also says he gets more sleep than he did at BS.

Everyone should make their bed in the morning! Why? Admiral McRaven explains how making your bed can change the world - starting at 4:35. Of course I recommend you watch the entire video to hear his entire top 10. This should be required viewing for all youth.

Devil’s advocate:

Side note—I’m just fine without a mattress topper. It’s stiff but comfortable.