<p>Well ill make one of these again since my other thread was deleted like alot of other threads suddenly. Anyways, i know we all have random thoughts and questions that we all want to type out, yet arent worthy of their own thread. The solution:The Anything Thread.</p>
<p>i hate public smokeing! in Akron theres a law that you cant smoke in public places such as resturants and such, i freakin wish Canton(where i live) would make that law!! I hate when i go into a place and i come out smelling like smoke, not to mention smelling that stuff is gross.</p>
<p>I think the Plan Parenthood should give out better condoms. I just heard that theirs is like crap and you are more likely to get STDs using the PP condoms.</p>
<p>yeah beantown i hate the way cigarette smoke smells. YUCK</p>
<p>but i love the way Payless Shoe Source smells... (maybe its the cheap leather lol) yeah i am weird</p>
<p>ok here is my question
What are your favorite names??
I like Andariel (its from Diablo lol. i just think it sounds cool)</p>
<p>Maya is a pretty name.</p>
<p>cassandra :o so sexy</p>
<p>No, Lianesha is hotter (at least the one in my school)...</p>
<p>haha ilovemath314159 im with you on the payless shoe store smell, ive always thought i was weird for that but im glad to see someone else agrees.</p>
<p>And btw, Alexis is good name IMO</p>
<p>i sat by a guy today in class and hes from england, real cool, and all the ladies like his accent. English people are cool.</p>
<p>I LLLLLLLLOOOOVVVEE Jamaican accents. They are so fun to listen to. Really c'mon.</p>
<p>"...but I hate baseball cards!"</p>
<p>I wish I were Adam West...</p>
<p>speaking of accents, anyone ever watch an old english gang film? I cant take the "gangsters" seriously because of the accent hahaha.</p>
<p>I wish I had a British accent--those things are cool.</p>
<p>i like to put ranch dressing on my pizza..mmmm</p>
<p>^^^hell yeah!!!!</p>
<p>I prefer yogurt on my pizza.</p>
<p>I can't believe my weird friend told me about the type of birth control her mom uses. WHY THE HELL DO I CARE? I'm young, but it's not like 4th grade when "sex is gross." It's just the thought of that woman--her mother--having sex disgusts me beyond belief. It's not the nastiest thing I've heard of [I've seen worse stuff even], but still it's gross. Next time, my friend should keep her mouth shut about her crinkly parents' sex lives. kthanks.</p>
<p>i hate beer, beer tastes disgusting...I like fruit smoothies....no im not a fruit...i just like to drink them....</p>
<p>my science teacher told us that for about a hundred million years from now, our country would just be a walking distance from the U.S.!!! i can't believe it! i'd be dead by then! NO FAIRRRRR!!!!</p>
<p>I wish I could speak 5 launguages and have the power to teleport. ;D</p>
<p>Why don't they make cany bars with macademia nuts? I love those things. Like chocolate, macademia, and coconut. That thing would rock.</p>