The Bragging Thread

<p>I cleaned off my kitchen counters this week…got rid of a ton of unneeded “stuff” that we didn’t use. Tossed a bunch of stuff from the storage shelves in the utility room AND in the kitchen cabinets. It looks so nice…now I can see the counters (and realize how nice new ones will look).</p>

<p>H and I cleaned out under the sink and in the “spare” stuff cupboard today. Threw away a medium garbage sack of expired (2004 was oldest) drugs/vitamins/creams, goodness knows what! </p>

<p>And last week DD’s group project won the Philip R Jackson engineering award for best project. Pretty exciting! </p>

<p>A nearly empty shelf in a cabinet, REALLY exciting (jk).</p>

Thanks for pulling up this thread. I will do a 2-for today.</p>

<p>I survived another week at work.
Friday, after I survive another week of work, I am off to visit D for 6 days, so no posting.</p>

<p>I really should do what you guys did. One of these day (or months).</p>

<p>Oh…59 more days for me…but who’s counting?</p>

<p>Congrats thumper :slight_smile: what are you going to do with all of your spare time?</p>

<p>My brag: DS1 ('13) was hired after his first on-campus interview for a summer internship at one of the top Silicon Valley software companies. Even better: he’ll be paid very well for the experience.</p>

<p>I don’t know…maybe I should start another thread “What will you do with your spare time WHEN you retire?”</p>

<p>Resurrecting this thread to brag about my son who’s about to graduate from Rice. He just found out that he was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ($30,000/yr stipend for 3 years and tuition costs) to pursue his PhD in computer science! Woo hoo!</p>


<p>My bragging point today. I was the only one in my office who felt the scale 6.7 earthquake today. My stomach felt sick because our tall office building moved. I was dubbed as the most “insensitive” person (when it came to warm touchy feelings) in my office. Now I am known to be the most “sensitive” person.</p>

<p>DD just emailed me a copy of a letter confirming her research will be published shortly, first author, PhD in progress, but the letter addressed to Dr Somemom’s D gave me shivers :)</p>

<p>Congratulations…great news about the students above.</p>

<p>I’m almost at the 40 day mark…but who’s counting?</p>

<p>Great news! Oldfort, was that quake in Mexico?</p>

<p>Thumper, when exactly is the last day, and do you have anything special planned for that day?</p>

<p>June 17…but who’s really looking? I’m flying to Ohio to spend the weekend with my family and go to my nephew’s high school graduation.</p>

<p>lol! You can bet that in 2014 I will be!</p>

<p>Today my tour guide of her university D had her campus student/parent visitors tell her this was the best tour they had ever taken and that she was an outstanding guide.
This was a very small group so granted they got very personal service, but I could hear it in her voice that this was something special to her. She has been commended for her “skills” in the past by her employers, but it is a reminder to us all to go ahead and compliment someone if they do something that impresses you.
I know she is wonderful–nice to see that others think so too!</p>

<p>So go out and say something nice to someone, it may make the difference in that persons day! I know my D’s weekend is off to a good start.</p>

<p>Braggin’ time… D got two internship offers, both directly related to her major. One is from a large pharma on the East Coast, the other is from a small biotech on the West Coast. She is doing the “Buridan’s donkey” right now. :)</p>

<p>Yay! A place to brag!</p>

<p>-I got the resident assistant job! Not only that, but it’s in THE nicest building on campus and I get to live there for FREE, with a full bed, in a room designed for two people. And it’s air-conditioned! :D</p>

<p>-I’m going to be a research assistant again, and will probably get to do presentations on the research I have helped with. Maybe I’ll even get to go to a conference. :)</p>

<p>-I’m going to be a TA, leading two lab sections.</p>

<p>-I got the only 100 so far this semester on my exam, and a high five from the professor. </p>

<p>-And, I won bingo last night. Twice. </p>

<p>I am on top of the world right now. Things couldn’t be better.</p>

<p>Yay BB…let me know if she lands on the East Coast!! Great news.</p>

<p>No new brags here…but only 35 more days of work…but who’s counting??</p>

<p>thumper- I’m counting for you!!</p>

<p>Yay for BB’s D and for you, julie. Lots of RA’s don’t get such nice perks.</p>

<p>Wow, Julie, congrats!!!</p>

<p>I just read D’s East Coast offer letter. $17/hour, big pharma. A nice brand name on the resume… She already secured housing in a nice place, but “has reservations”. We shall see.</p>

<p>Thumper - congrats! Your marathon is almost over!</p>

<p>Just bumping this up…19 more work days…woohoo…under TWENTY.</p>