<p>hey see you all at the chat....how about we use the same nicknames we use here
i'll be amargrosa as usual</p>
<p>yea, i plan on joining in, not sure what time though...ill see you all there</p>
<p>How do you get in the chat because the email went to spam.</p>
<p>I'll be there in about an hour.</p>
<p>I had a dress rehearsal for the nutcracker tonight, and it ended at five minutes to 10 PM. I got home at 10:35. grrr im so angry I didnt get to go to the chat!! did you find out anything interesting? please tell! im sad i missed out</p>
<p>Well I got everything I really wanted or needed from the chat in about 15 minutes. It was basically just mass confusion with ppl asking the same questions over and over. No email notifications, we'll receive decisions next week, and acceptances come in thin envelopes. That's all I learned, if anyone else found out something more, please share.</p>
<p>thin letter sized envelopes?</p>
<p>one admissions rep said they would be mailed tomorrow or early next week...</p>
<p>otherwise, like ilove said, just mass confusion, lots of questions going on at the same time...there has to be a better way of handling chats lof that nature</p>