The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@Looney2020 My daughter originally had SDSU on her list of options. She submitted the video audition but then never applied. The reason is that we called and talked to them about the program, specifically to find out about the possibility of dancing with dance majors, and somehow the subject of the shows came up. The person on the phone offered this piece of info… Because they have a Musical Theatre MFA and not a Musical Theatre BFA, undergraduates are rarely, if ever, cast in the main stages. So for us that was a sign that undergraduate MT isn’t really what they do and my daughter took it off her list.

Hello everyone :slight_smile: RE: PACE… I am pretty sure I read that they made their “yes” calls. Does anyone know if/how they notify the “no’s”?

@Ontheverge Let’s share any info we get on SDSU - just saw the post about lack of opportunity for undergraduates to do mainstage shows. That would be a bummer!

@cruisemama4 I think Pace has made MT calls, I haven’t heard of Acting or FCT yet:)

@Looney2020 - Yes! I will share anything I find out. I do actually know someone who is a freshman in the program and will be grilling and will plan to share. I do know that she as a freshman WAS cast in one of the Mainstage shows and has had several performing opportunities so far this year. I do get the feeling that a BFA MT would be preferred for that student but was not an option based on audition results but the student is embracing this option because it is a very selective and impacted program and school. I know the campus is beautiful and San Diego is a fantastic place to live.

already posted in other thread but just in case, we got the Arizona waitlist today. email directing to portal update…happy with a waitlist , better than waiting, more better than a NO…for the movie buffs in our group feeling strong to quite strong right now :smiley: ( not really but better than yesterdays cmu no)

As far as not casting freshmen, please don’t rush to judgement on that before you understand how the entire program works. Ask important questions. Find out why. Many programs feel that real authentic training should be the foundation of the first few years of college. Someone mentioned to “unlearn bad habits.” In some cases, maybe students have studied Meisner or Suzuki or other acting methodology and the other counterparts in dance and music (theory, piano, etc.). But many haven’t. Programs like CAP 21 don’t have a lot of “shows,” but in fact, they are focusing on training. Shows are fun…they are important…but they come after training in many schools. That being said, there are some programs that teach through show production and do it well! Just make sure it isn’t 10 shows a year, all blazing through with no opportunity to actually learn. Just ask the questions. Find students in the program. Ask them. Ask the department heads and faculty. All important info you need to know to make a decision.

Only waiting to hear from 3 programs now. I spent the day making travel arrangements for my S to visit some programs during his spring break. The end is in sight and I (and my bank account) are ready for this process to be over.

@TheatreDad69 it’s such a pricey time to fly too!

Is anyone else a little nervous to make travel plans because of Coronavirus? I don’t want to overreact but I’m not loving the idea of flying right now. But it would mean writing off one school that he hasn’t seen that definitely requires a flight. Any thoughts?

@MTSthistime tough for me to reply since im hitting refresh every 30 seconds on a delta flight west coast to east coast right this moment …I think the $39.99 go-go wifi is a drop in the bucket in this process rather than watch a movie ill just keep alternating refresh between gmail & CC … I mean I hope I dont get corrona but I wipe down my key board in between refresh :smiley: :wink:

@NYYFanNowMTdad , here’s hoping for a germ free flight for you. Wash those hands!

@MTSthistime YES!!! Haven’t booked our visits for this exact reason. I don’t want my daughter to have to pick a school sight unseen but sure wish we could visit tomorrow instead of having to wait until April when spread will surely be much worse, but her spring break is all we have available. WAY too far behind in her classes because of all of the audition travel to pull her out of class again. …sigh…

@MTSthistime I think it’s a reasonable concern. But we’ve booked one cross country trip and will monitor the outbreaks. If it makes you feel better most of the planes have hepa filters and if you practice the same hygiene routines as recommended you should be as ok as possible. Also worst case you could end up staying longer or getting quarantined but that could happen anywhere at this point. My only change in precaution is bringing my laptop in case I am stuck and have to work remotely which is no big deal for me.

@MTthistime @NYYFanNowMTdad Just remember to use those Jazz Hands as your greeting and not touch anything! I am sorry that has to be a consideration in your travel decisions. It is a bit nerve wracking having my kid in the dense population in New York where it could spread rapidly versus the wide open West Texas!

@MTSongbirdMom , my older D lives in NYC too, and she is tired of me texting her, reminding her to wash her hands lol.

Bringing wet wipes onto a plane and wiping the surfaces around your seat can help too --wipe the tray, the arm rests, etc.

tsamuique - Yes, we did that for all of our flights during audition season. I’d add in the belt buckle as well before your even sit down. People looked at us strangely in December but not as much so in February.

@Timesfour Oh yes, the seatbelt! Good catch. Yup, not afraid to look like a germophobe! (I’ve been known to throw a scarf over my face on long flights if I hear someone near me couging, and dot my face with Thieves’ Oil for good measure.)

My D portal for JMU still says no status update . I heard all yeses so far . Should we assume it’s a no? Does anyone else have no status update ?