The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@secondtimemt. Unfortunately there are no academic scholarships given. The CCPA one (from the BFA) is all there is :frowning:

@secondtimemt No, for some reason, her default password didn’t work so we have not been able to log in. I wish there was more scholarships available but I recall reading from their webpage something similar to what HAHCx4 mentioned above. ?

From the Roosevelt website:

“Roosevelt considers all new students for scholarships at the time of admission. These scholarship awards are granted based upon your previous academic record, or in some programs your interview or audition. Additional endowed scholarships are awarded on a competitive-basis each year.”

Last sentence says additional endowed scholarships…Does anyone know if they are academic based?

On Roosevelt’s website, it said the average merit-based scholarship is $10k - $19k a year - that’s not close to what was in our letter, so I was hoping it was like other schools where there were 2 separate amounts - one performance and one academic. Yuck.

Also, we couldn’t log in yet either. It did say there’d be an email/letter coming with information about logging in, so I’m hoping that comes tomorrow and we’ll be able to see everything. We are hoping to visit later this month - before the accepted student day - so my daughter can see it and decide if she prefers it to her other options. It has been a top choice, sight unseen, because of the MTD program. I’ve toured it - with my older daughter two years ago - and I think she will like it, but she’s used to her sister’s campus at this point, and this is definitely different.

I just did the net price calc on their site. Interesting using the school of Arts and Sciences and D’s grades / scores it gives a very generous scholarship (way more than what was stated in the letter and more in line with the other schools). When I go back and do Performing Arts, it doesn’t let me continue adding info. Wonder if because it’s a conservatory with few non CCPA courses required they don’t care about the academics (because we won’t be using those resources? Hmm… will definitely need to speak to someone about that - can’t imagine they’d be penalized.) You would think Roosevelt would want to use their numbers (and I’m sure they do) in their overall data set to increase overall selectivity.

We are considering touring NYU and Muhlenberg on the same trip spring break. Has anyone done this? We would fly into ?? starting in NYU and renting a car from ?? to get to Muhlenberg.

Coming from CA, and I have not been to NY since the 80’s, so I’m a “deer in the headlights, getting ready to be taken out by a taxi” - LOL

Other question - any idea the approx. date that NYU & Muhlenberg send notification of acceptance?

@rickle1 , hopefully we can log in tomorrow and get these questions answered.

@LamaDrama, depending on how many are traveling and whether you can manage with carry ons, Newark might be your best bet. Jet Blue is reasonable and if you only have two traveling, you can take the AirTrain and pick up NJ commuter train into Penn Station for about $15 each. Would not recommend LaGuardia as the construction around the airport is a nightmare. JFK and LGA you will have a lot more tolls coming back as well.

We have done the reverse (picked up car and went to upstate NY) then dropped the car at Newark airport and took the trains to NYC.

If you can get a good airfare/car rental into another airport it might offset the cost of the tolls. Another option might be to fly into Philly, pick up your car and tour Muhlenberg, then drop the car in Newark. If have managed that a few times and got great rates because the rental company needed to move cars.

Best of luck and have a safe trip.

@LamaDrama You could fly into Newark, NJ and mass transit to NYU or rent car and drive to NY and also Muhlenberg. Alternatively, you may be able to fly into Allentown Bethlehem depending on what airline and stay/rent car near Muhlenberg and drive to NYC or pick up a train (I normally pick up a train from Summit NJ to NYC). Transbridge bus lines also runs from Allentown PA or Clinton NJ to NYC

@NeensMom Well my D has not had any acceptances for BFA. She has been accepted to 3 colleges that offered 55k-80k over 4 years for merit. She isn’t interested in them because of the no for the BFA program.

Now we are down to the end and I don’t know what she will do but I know we will not take on any debt. I’ve been reading a lot about school loans and I know enough now to rule it out for our family (we have twins).

@LinnyLou Did you reach out to UT Arlington yet?

@onette She has and still waiting to hear from them.

@rickle1 and @AbigCurveBall, well, the email this morning confirmed that that is the entire scholarship offer. That’s pretty disappointing - especially compared to other schools. My daughter does have a friend there who asked for more and got it, but I don’t know if that was pure scholarship or some kind of aid…

@secondtimemt Well that’s a bummer. On average she has been offered more than twice the Roosevelt deal and in one case full tuition (not a MT program). Double whammy as their tuition for CCPA is 9k higher then the rest of their programs. Charge more and give less…let’s see, if I did that I’d go out of business! I guess they do because they can.

@secondtimemt Just saw the letter. …bummer.

@secondtimemt Saw the letter, too. I’m contemplating if it would be worth considering some of my D’s redirected offers so we would pay a lot less than what CCPA charges and she could audition for the MT program while enrolled in the same school.

@AbigCurveBall @rickle1 @secondtimemt See if your kids can find someone currently a student there to talk to. See if this is something new or if it was their experience as well (and what they did about it). If they aren’t on Facebook and part of Crucible Cast Party group, then have them look there. Also, call financial aid AND the department and see if someone can talk to you about this. That is extremely odd that the same academic merit offered to the rest of the school isn’t offered to performing arts majors. I have heard of schools not allowing you to stack academic and/or merit and/or talent, but usually you get to choose which “bucket” of money you pull from in those cases. (And most, of course, would choose the higher amount.) Be really clear that you are very interested in the school (first choice) but that with the other financial offers you have received, it makes it difficult to consider it. Mention the schools and the amounts. See if there is some additional money or scholarships that they could be considered for. I would guess that almost every acceptance is going to have sticker shock on this, so I would try to get there first for the conversation, if possible.

@onette, all good advice. They aren’t sending out the full packets for two weeks, so I am guessing they won’t really speak to anyone until those are finalized, but it looks like the only thing missing is loan information - nothing merit-based. It is odd - they charge more for CCPA and offer less compared to the rest of Roosevelt University from the way I am reading this.

LinnyLou- I would suggest a gap year. The second time around is much better because you are not on a learning curve as you are going through it. My daughter just finished her second year of auditions and it went better this year.