The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

we loved OCU, loved Dr Herendeen, loved that alumn Kristin Chenowith was going to be a visiting professor, loved the vocal training and the track record of producing working ( broadway ready) performers. it was a strong consideration for us till D got off the WL of a dream school . hope that helps @MTBFAmom2025


I think my daughter feels the same way about a city environment. Thank you for replying. Congrats on Marymount! Great program!


Yes, Dr. Herendeen seems great and I agree on their track record. Congratulations on the dream school!

Hello everyone. Iā€™m fully aware that prescreens and auditions for BFA musical theater college programs are only a few months away. I have stressing extremely lately since I have run into a dilemma. I cant prepare. Thatā€™s a vague statement so Iā€™ll explain more. I was planning on receiving help from a certain organization to help fund my college preparation. Unfortunately things didnā€™t work out and now Iā€™m not even sure if I can apply. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions. I havenā€™t told any adults around me my problem because their answer wonā€™t be to my liking. If anybody could take time to respond that would be so great. Thank you.

@RainbowHigh There are many things you can do to prepare without paying for MT audition coaching. Do you already work with a voice teacher? If so, they can help you prepare your songs. If not, do you have a choir teacher at school you can ask if you can meet to get feedback on your songs? For the monologues, can you ask a drama teacher or theater director to meet with you after school? Can you contact a local theater and see if anyone is willing to meet with you to go over your material? Do you know anyone who graduated from a MT program in your area who might be willing to meet up with you for some advice?

As well, can you get a summer job to earn some money to pay for a handful of coaching sessions? You may not need a lot of sessions with someone, but just enough to be on the right track and then do lots of prep on your own.


@RainbowHigh I have heard that the major coaching companies offer some scholarships each year. I believe, when I was looking at them a few years ago, they even had information on their websites about it - or at least some of them did. You could try contacting them about their scholarship options in addition to everything soozievt mentioned above. Many kids do this just the way that she mentions - mine did.

Additionally, if the application fees are the issue for not being able to apply, you can ask for fee waivers. I donā€™t know much about the process, but Iā€™m sure there are others on the board that do.

College Audition Project (CAP) has scholarships available for coaching and for the CAP United Auditions in November. They are virtual this year so you wouldnā€™t have the expense of traveling. My daughter had great results with CAP last year. Send them a message and explain your situation. Contact Us | CAP College Audition Project.

My College Audition also offers a coaching scholarship: Scholarships ā€” My College Audition

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as does MTCA via founder Ellenā€™s project not sure if she comes here much anymore but @CoachC used to be her handle here

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Hello everyone! Iā€™m starting on this long path supporting my daughter and helping her find as much information as we can. She has around 15 colleges on her list, but we need more specific information.
SheĀ“s an international student interested in pursuing a BFA in MT, but with strong dance training.
She has Roosevelt and BoCo on her list but would love to know about other colleges that offer dance levels, dance minors, and more than 2 hours/week of dance training.
Your help with some other names, is greatly appreciated!

U of Utah is a huge dance-based MT program.
As is Montclair and OKC.
U Arts has a dance placement. The downside is if youā€™re a really proficient dancer, you might exhaust your dance classes really quickly.
Missouri State also has dance placement, meet you at your level then challenge you.


What Master Class was it?

@RainbowHigh I am sorry that youā€™re having a rough go of things in terms of your preparation. I know the cost of coaching can be very high not to mention travel, headshots, etc. My son is working with a coach in NYC who might be able to help you out. Donā€™t be thrown that he lives in NYC - I always associate that with astronomical prices. His name is Steve West. Google #stevesroster and his website should come up. He is SUPER knowledgeable, even more kind, and from what my son and I can tell significantly less expensive than a larger coaching service. I wish you all the best of luck with your auditions. Youā€™re a brave kid! Go get em!

@mom26mt Point Park has one of the best dance programs in the country and I know there is some cross over with the dance faculty for the MT students

@speezagmom application fee waivers ALL THE WAY!

Yes @mythreelulus I have heard this about waitlists as well

A SpongeBob dance class

Was the Elon person you know actually accepted artistically, only to find out later that she was rejected academically? Either way, do you know anything else about their stats (I.e. how low?) Thanks!

Hi, can you refresh my memory on thisā€¦. Iā€™m not sure exactly what this was in response to since it was quite a while ago.

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