The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Sure! Your comment said you know someone who passed prescreens and did the early Elon audition in November only to find out she was academically rejected in December. Was she artistically accepted before the academic decision? Wondering if the fall artistic acceptances Elon does- before the academic decisions are released- are cleared academically beforehand.

Ah, thatā€™s right! Iā€™m pretty sure they received the academic ā€œnoā€ and then the artistic ā€œnoā€ shortly thereafter - either at the same time or within 24 hrs. I know that they heard the artistic decision AFTER getting the academic decision. So, for sure, the early prescreen isnā€™t dependent on academic decision, but obviously, final artistic is. My D did the january prescreen that year pand still received her academic ā€œyesā€ in December so the academic decision isnā€™t tied to the artistic decision. At least, thatā€™s how it was for class of 2024.


My child was accepted to Elon BFA acting this week after auditioning in October. We have to wait until end of month to make sure they are accepted academically as well- before its official.


Yup- thatā€™s our boat. Four weeks between the artistic and academic decisions.

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Congrats!!! Excellent news so early in the cycle and fantastic program!!!

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Last year, my son auditioned and was accepted into BFA Acting at a state school in CA (our home state), with a scholarship, only to receive an academic rejection a month later. This colleges requirement, is the student only receives an audition after being accepted academically. Reached out to the Dean of Acting Program, after a long discussion and him researching what happened, there was major error at the Admissions Office due to employment turnover. We ultimately did not go to this college, due to the feeling of lack of organization. My best advice, if this happens, follow up to verify if the ā€œNoā€ is legitimate

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Thank you he is thrilled!

Thatā€™s a terrible thing to happen. I wish colleges would remember more how they can scar a young persons life with errors


Wow; I didnā€™t know you could get an artistic admittance BEFORE the academic one. Thatā€™s kind of crazy!


Several of my kids got them this year as well. Very different!

Oh my! Thatā€™s kind of nuts. Maybe it was just our experience, but the artistic decision felt like the bigger hurdle than the academic. I couldnā€™t imagine getting the artistic admit only to be denied academically down her road.

When my daughter went through the audition process in 2019-2021 some academic decisions were tied to artistic admit (U Mich unless you did dual application, U Miamiā€¦ ) and then FSU would defer some academic decisions based on artistic. (If you already had an academic admit you could apply for the BA program if you got a ā€œnoā€ for the BFA program, but could not if your deferral was based on admittance to BFA). But neither she nor any of the other kids in her class received an artistic decision before the academic. Crazy how much it changes every year


Hi, Iā€™m not sure where to ask this but Iā€™m wondering about the U Michigan MPulse MT summer program for rising high school seniors. Specifically, how difficult it is to get in! I thought maybe this group would have had some experience. Thanks in advance for any info or suggestions on a better place to post this question.

They are fairly selective but no correlation to ultimate admissions in the bra program


Now, the BRA program is something I think even I could get into! :rofl:

lol typo obv BFA (SORRY)

I knowā€¦but it was just too funny to ignore!

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Ha! Thanks for the insight. We realize that MPulse doesnā€™t give anyone a leg up at UM, but my daughter would like to give it a try for the experience. Hoping to get in but not sure what the odds are.

hey! i do have a tiny bit of insight? (on the 2018 official MPulse MT Summer the acceptance rate was 15% (they accept around 40). I applied as well as my friend and Iā€™m going to interlochen arts academy for senior year and ppl ik there are applying as well, so from the ppl i personally know, many are applying so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s probably a ton more so maybe the rate goes up? all we can do is wait and see at this point T.T

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break a leg and hopefully i can meet your daughter this summer there!! ^^

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Hello everyone!

DD just auditioned at BOCO and fell in love!

Anyone know what the odds are for acceptance once they are at the audition stage? I know they take as many as 80 in a class but donā€™t know how many pass the prescreen.

Any insight much appreciated!!!